Wednesday 2 February 2011 photo 1/6
Hello, picture diary! Sorry, I'm writing in English, but it's almost a norm for me now, and Swedish just sounds strange. (Also I type so much faster in English than in Swedish, it's insane |D;)
Anyway. I figured I didn't have anything to upload, but I was actually in Sthlm during New Years, met people, had fun, and also had a photo shoot at Model House Sweden. Not all the pictures turned out as good as I wanted them to, but there were a few golden ones. And so I'm being a cam whore and uploading them here. 8D;
I apologize beforehand for people who have me friended on LJ, since I've posted them there already. /cough
Comment the photo
Fri 29 Jul 2011 01:29
Wed 2 Feb 2011 14:47
haha udda att du skriver snabbare på engelska xDD fast jag förstår vad du menar också, engelska känns sjukt normalt nu förtiden xDD
fin bild :)
fin bild :)
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