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Does muramana work on lee sin guide: >> << (Download)
Does muramana work on lee sin guide: >> << (Read Online)
ezreal guide
There was a running joke amongst Riot staff when Skarner was designed that you could build anything on him except crit and it would work. Whilst this is somewhat true for Muramana - it will stack quickly, Skarner builds mana-tank items and he has access to an AS steroid - I do not believe it is worthwhile
8 Feb 2013 warwick HYBRID / MURAMANA = 700/1000 dmg on ult. WW hybrid just dominated in late. And 20 ap = 23 dmg on q and that ap is transfere on hp + low cd on q just op story But he need to be a little tanky! And btw lich bane work with ww ulty.
2 Aug 2014 Not Updated For Current Season. The masteries shown here are not yet updated for the current season, the guide author needs to set up the new masteries. As such, they will be different than the masteries you see in-game.
6 May 2013 BOTH Muramana and Seraph's Embrace on a Champion.. General strategy guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends premiere strategy discussion and tools.
14 Dec 2014 Muramana is better than infinity edge, since ezreal is rather short ranged and the majority of his damage is from his q. Muramana allows his q to do a lot more damage than infinity edge does, since his q cannot crit but will work with the muramana active. However, infinity edge build is also very strong, and it
Quote: Acquire Elo: I build tear on riven because it's so easy to charge because of how much she can spam her abilities. Didn't Riven have a glitch on release where she'd actually gain mana from tear?
If you want to build it on Kayle, it's possible, she builds it fast enough for it to work, and the on-hit has synergy with rageblade and her overall kit. Since you're building Nashor's it implies you're going AP route, at which point why build Muramana for the on-hit when you can go Besererks, Nashors, Rage,
Well, for starters. Why would you be wanting to build Manamune or Muramana on an energy champion? Lee Sin does not benefit from it. Zed does not, Akali does not. Maybe Shen just for the shield from Muramana. They do not have mana for a reason. Riot wants diversity in Champions so having energy makes these
Some people build it on Syndra for stupid ultimate damage, but it really has no use outside of her ultimate. Even then, it can amplify enough to simply melt anyone she uses it on. Anyone with lots of single-target spells it would work well on. It could be used on LeBlanc, but only two of her spells could do that and she would
Unfortunately, I had people say that it wasn't a great idea to do so, and going for a standard adc build was better. However, I still want to find a way to counteract Doesn't work on any ADC because it delays your power spike and makes your laning phase super terrible. 0. [-]. Quite Nomible (29) | September 14, 2014 12: