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wc3 map optimizer
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So I downloaded this tool, wanted to optimize my map, load it, do some magic with options, and well, map opimizer doesnt like me. Im posting it... 3 min - Uploaded by Jose M RicoAprende a comprimir y proteger tus mapas de Warcraft III. En este video/tutorial, explico muy. Protecting Warcraft III maps: Protecting means damaging a Warcraft III map in a way that the World Editor can not, but the game can still read, load and play. do the optimization on a safety copy of your map! You can't open the map afterwords with WE - which also means it's protected. I'm using Vexorian's map optimizer Version 3.9c, and all I can say is: the results are simply amazing! My map Zone Control Evolutions takes WC3 to the brink of its capabilities in. okey this might be wrong section, but now as my map is starting to take some time to dl - i was going to use this. The link in the thread "usefull... hey people i just downloaded the latest version of wc3 map optimizer from the guy's site. so i read the readme file and i did exactly what it said,... The *BEST* Optimizer for Warcraft III maps. Really cuts down on file sizes, fixes a few basic problems, and has many tweaks. Meta. Contributors: Shadow_Templar 9; Categories: Map Protectors; Files: 1 (view all files); Overall Rating: 5 / 5 (8 votes). Favorites: 0; Downloads (Total):: 1,551; Downloads (Daily):. p> You may run wc3mapoptimizer on supported platforms, which would be Windows XP SP2 and WINE 1.0 or greater. Windows XP SP3 is probably fine as well. Notice other platforms are not supported by the developer, the optimizer might work there but if there's a bug that you can get in them and I cannot. WC3 Map Optimizer by Vexorian Optimize maps, make them smaller and faster, even unopenable in World Editor if you want them to. Download This new version has a lot of critical bug fixes, it is a must. - The best sales, coupons, and discounts for you. When false, looks for {map_script_path} do_optimizer | false | uses Vexorian's map optimizer to protect and make the map run faser do_widgetizer | false | uses PitzerMike's map widgetizer to make map load faster debug | false | whether the --debug flag should be passed to jasshelper launchwc3 | false. Esse programa serve para você proteger seu mapa, ele é bem facil de usar e bem leve não ocupa muito espaço.. Wc3 map optimizer 4.9 Download Comentários: Esse p. WarCraft 3: Wc3 Map Optimizer 5.0 Rus. для оптимизации и защиты карт - Wc3 Map Optimizer. Переведена грамотно и со знанием дела. Также переведено руководство. 4.9: - Theorically fixed a patch 1.24-related bug that could make some few GUI maps incompatible with patch 1.24. 4.8: - Better number literal optimization may reduce filesize slightly better than the previous version. - The optimizer is now more agressive when adding safety !=null stuff to prevent the. now that you've unchecked the two, another problem with it is the map isn't that small compared to a map optimized in WC3 Map Optimizer (let's call this WC3MO from now on). and the loading time isn't as fast either. i've tested this on a Pentium 3 Celeron 800mhz unit where WC3 lags and slow loadings. Jasshelper 0.9.F.7 (By Vexorian) For an actual explanation of the additions and how they work well.... You can which explains all the things. A. A Warcraft III: Reign Of Chaos (WC:ROC) Modding Tool in the Other/Misc category, submitted by Misto. Русская версия известной утилиты для оптимизации и защиты карт - Wc3 Map Optimizer. Прежде, чем использовать: пожалуйста, прочитайте, что такое бекап. переведено грамотно, вручную без промта и со знанием дела переведены участки, задающиеся кодом (которые возможно) всё. I provided guide so you don't have problem with 8mb+ maps, so its up to you to find map on English, or try to use map optimizer to translate it,. Hi, I have tried this many times before finding this post I have moved those 2 files that was dled from hiveworkshop u have linked to my warcraft 3 folder and it just. [Soar][工具][最强地图优化工具Wc3 Map Optimizer 3.7b汉化版] ,游久社区. Wc3 map Optimizer F.A.Q. System requirements; What is it? Map protection? How do I use it? I am just a guy that wants to optimize a map, which options should I use? What to do if the optimized map doesn't work correctly? What to do if the optimized map becomes BIGGER than original? I can't upload the optimizer to. doesn't matter... they can all be cracked by maybe get one of their opinion. 地图优化工具Wc3 Map Optimizer 3[1].7b汉化版.rar解压的密码是什么. aaa1163103224 2011-11-29. 我要回答. 可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料"搜索整个问题。 地图; 化工; rar解压; wc3; map; 搜索资料. 正在求助. 查看更多问题>. 换一换. 登录. 还没有百度账号? 立即注册. Users: 9. Computers: 6. Different versions: 0. Total Keys: 276. Total Clicks: 858. Total Usage: 42 minutes, 57 seconds. Average Usage: 4 minutes, 46 seconds. Breakdown by OS Windows. Keys/Clicks Ratio Keys Clicks. Which versions are out there? Who's using this? Version, OS, Last Seen. No versions found! Loading. Autor: shasure. Post original: Quizas ya muchos saben de esta herramienta, pero de todos modos la pondré por aquí (quiero tener un recopilatorio de todas las herramientas posibles del wc3 en nuestro foro). SLK Optimizer es muy similar al Wc3 map. Vexorian's Optimizer is broke too. :( I.... What I did was simply install Warcraft 3 (using my original CDs!) and TFT and then manually update it to 1.27b (link for that patch is here for the moment:. with 1.28. Hopefully it is 100% compatible, therefore I can continue using the same map editing tools and such. 依照自學手冊說: 用途: 減小地圖檔案(減少下載時間)、增進讀取速度、提高遊戲順暢度;地圖加密。 已經會使用它的優化功能了。 問題:請問要怎麼使用這個程式的地圖加密呢? :shock: 謝謝回應^^! 與火星來,與火星去。 MAX: 士兵 士兵: 文章: 145: 註冊時間: 2006年04月10日4:07 am. 回頂端. Software ini berguna sekali untuk para wc3 map makers, software ini dapat mengoptimalkan size map dan mengurangi waktu loading map buatan anda dengan merubah atau menghilangkan komponen-komponen tertentu map buatan anda. Satu hal yang perlu anda ingat untuk selalu membuat copy. File: Download Wc3 map optimizer map customizer google maps route planner multiple stops 30 Aug 2005 This is just a tool that saves map space and improves its performance. 5 Jan 2011 WarCraft 3: Wc3 Map Optimizer 5.0. Утилита для оптимизации карт. Позволяет сокращать их вес и время. Пользоваться им легко и просто. В начале просто распаковываете все с архива в папку, открываете оптимизатор и нажимаете "open..." указываете путь к карте, затем ставите галочку на "chekunchek All" как на скрине и затем жмете "Save Optimized as" и выбираете куда сохранить запротекченую карту. vxjwtsopt.exe. Wc3 Text optimizer. Vexorian. File name: vxjwtsopt.exe. Publisher: Vexorian. Product: Wc3 Text optimizer. Description: Wc3 Map optimizer. Version: MD5: df61ff18401cc120f0a4a4b7cb30ed05. SHA-1: 08a418a4d5b4223b4682a4f3337dc730d856aaef. SHA-256:. 28.01.2012, 21:54. Русская версия Wc3 Map Optimizer 4.9. Отличная программа для оптимизации карт и защиты от взлома. Скачать(353,35Кб). 1; 2; 3; 4; 5. Категория: Программы для создания карт | Добавил: west0293. Просмотров: 664 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1. 8 Tháng Mười Hai 2009. Bác nào bít cách fix lại các file do "WC3 Map Optimizer" nén lại (lock) giúp mình phục hồi với :(( +war3map.wtg +war3map.w3i +war3map.j chỉ cần fix 3 cái này là dc rùi (chỉ cách khôi phục lại 3 file đó, chứ ko phải đưa mới 3 file new khác) ;;). Đang tải. 옵티마이저 프로텍터 입니다. 3.9b : - Fixed a bug with Safe IsUnitType not working correctly sometimes and making the map fail. - Fixed a bug with 'Remove editor suffixes' it had a chance to make an ability malfunction If its only modified field was the editor suffix - Improved the 3.9 feature of optimizing. 4.9:- Theorically fixed a patch 1.24-related bug that could make some few GUI maps incompatible with patch 1.24. [1.24地图优化器] Wc3 map optimizer 4.9 ,GA地精研究院. WC3 Map Optimizer...(explicacion)..... Heavy Locker Version 0.2.8...(explicacion)..... Heavy Locker Version 0.2.7...(explicacion)..... Extrarius's Map Protector from Para Macs: puesto que usted no pueda utilizar estos programas, intente abrir su mapa usando MPQ2K y suprimiendo. Программа для оптимизации и защиты вашей карты. 1; 2; 3; 4; 5. Категория: Полезные программы | Добавил: Leophan. Просмотров: 527 | Загрузок: 168 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0. Всего комментариев: 0. Добавлять комментарии могут только зарегистрированные пользователи. [ Регистрация | Вход ]. ... files visits, 131 visual appeal, 95 Visual Insights, 397 VisVip, 196–97 Vividence, 180, 357 volume as measurement, 41 W WC3 (World Wide Web Consortium),. 170 measurability, 94–97, 108, 149 obtrusiveness, 108 reach, 109–10, 170 definitions of terms, 141–42 MOJO Optimizer and automating TIMITI, 126 valuation. Wc3 Map Optimizer 4.3 汉化第二版简介. 在这个汉化版出现之前Ghost就已经对其汉化过一次了,不过汉化质量平平。鉴于有多处内容性的错误,所以本人又对其进行了一次汉化。修正了多处汉化错误,已将说明内嵌入程序。如果你对某个选项不是很明白的话,鼠标停留的时间长一点,自动会有提示出现。由于时间. And wood are xfilesharing pro 1 8 nulled license key for google only one click, wc3 map optimizer 4 9 6 9. Описание: Последняя на данный момент версия так называемой "ТулыВекса", программы используемой как для защиты, так и для оптимизации карт формата "*.w3x". При очередном обновлении исправлены некоторые ошибки. 1; 2; 3; 4; 5. Категория: Warcraft/dota | Добавил: Admin. No problems xD After all I already have over 1 GB of wc3 models lol. I won't be. You can ask someone here to optimize it for you optimize your map use SLK map optimizer or the mix file thing(Tailer007 posted a video). Edited by. i think i wll try SLK map optimizer, its better than wc3map optimizer 5.0? iso the name of a legit program to lock a map and makes it impossible to over-ride it (or close to). All the programs suck, i can screw with your map easily but the best is probably Vexorian wc3 map optimizer best lock is making one with triggers.. iso your map after lock. This post was edited by JustPlayDota. Vexorian/Wc3 Map Optimizer 5.0. *usage* To reduce map size and change script function names. Pros: It is the only popular map optimizer around, has plenty of features, a must-have product. Cons: It cannot optimize some map which have header corruption, or protections, such as DotA 6.77b AI. Hex fixer:. Description: This is a simple program used to deprotect poorly protected maps. The chances of it working are slim but it does the job sometimes. To use it you need the maps listfile. Download Map Optimizer Description: Map optimizer is a must for all map makers. What it does is both protect a map and. It's today! But: [IMG] Oh, I did not finished some things that I was meant to do, because of some unexpected things that happened (mostly in the... 2015: Transportation remote scan full v5 494 with crack office order let your communicate, wc3 map optimizer 4 9 6 cyl. Warcarft III Warcraft 3 Customize 1. Warcraft 3 Patch Update Reign of Chaos & Frozen Throne Replay Seeker V.1.1c - Warcraft III Tool V.1.4 - WC3 Map Optimizer V.4.5 Matches 1 - 7 of 7. It's his map. Little tip: If you protected it with warcraft 3 map optimizer you can't unprotect it. Click to expand... Everything that's protected can be unprotected.. What it does: Browses inside wc3 map and shows you the internal data of warcraft datafiles, such as slk, w3a, w3u, w3t, in an easy-to-read format. 12 Tháng Sáu 2013. Là Tool khóa map nổi tiếng, được tạo ra bởi Vex(Vexorian). Rất nhiều Map Maker đã tin tưởng & sử dụng sản phẩm khóa map chất lượng này, vì nó gần như rất ít làm. Si tu map pesa 8 megas , no t kreas k el map optimizer te lo bajara a 5 .. ya eso depende de lo que le hayas importado a tu map .. Jass al ser el lenguaje nativo del wc3 tiene esa ventaja.. jiji .. pero vamos, igual podemos hacer grandes cosas con el GUI ;) sin meterle mucho peso al map, stoy seguro k su. You will play as the goblin infused strength focused Orc, the technologically advanced economical Human, the hyper-aggressive soul thirsty Lost, or the adaptive magic crazed Naga. Included are highly customized tech trees for each race, new heroes, units, abilities, spells, upgrades, integrated sea units, specialized terrain. A bueno... creo este post para que descarguen los archivos que necesiten (Los que deseen crear un mapa de wc3 o editar alguno). xD Warcraft 3 Map Utilities C.. Warcraft 3 Map Optimizer v 3.9b. Utilidad que permite optimizar tu mapa para que los tiempos de descarga y carga del mapa se reduzcan. ... file the map still does not open properly in world editor (Unit data missing or invalid). If I do add the war3mapunits.doo file it opens but many things are missing. You can get the map at I think they probably protected the map with WC3 Map Optimizer if that helps. Then when you compile it through the map protector/"optimizer" it'll include the W3MMD code and also convert vJASS to JASS that Warcraft III can. Yeah, yeah, bit some 'live' examples would be cool :) On working map's :). Logged. I'm offering most advanced Warcraft 3 bot hosting. Feel free to contact me: (1) Поиск использовано объекта: это поможет вам забронировать Объекты, которые используются, но некогда не изменения в вашей карте. (2) Резервные объекты: это на самом деле название "Резервные случайные объекты". Если используется случайная функция для создания объектов. Na gry wieloosobowe jest ograniczenie rozmiaru mapy do ok 2,8Mb. Brak ograniczeń w trybie jednoosobowym. Jeśli twoja mapa tylko nieznacznie przekracza ten limit możesz ją zmniejszyć za pomocą programu Wc3 map optimizer. WC3 Map Optimizer May 23 2012, 04:05 PM, By Uzsaku. Topics: 8, Replies: 1. Regular Forum, Sound Sets. This is where custom sound sets designed for Warcraft III are posted. POST ONLY SOUND SETS THAT ARE DRM-FREE! NO COMMERCIAL AND MAINSTREAM SOUNDS AND MUSIC ALLOWED! Moderated By:. Seems like a decent amount of attention to detail, obviously it's still Warcraft 3, but as someone who loved both games I'm having fun with it... I'd rather have a warcraft 3 based mod for dark souls. permalink.. I downloaded it and put it in my maps and is visible when the game is running but doesn't open.