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aflac accident claim form 2017 ACCIDENT CLAIM FORM INSTRUCTIONS. To avoid delays in processing of your claim form, complete each section attaching
And since we can process your claim quickly, Aflac helps give you the peace of mind knowing you The facts say you need the protection of the Aflac Accident Advantage insurance policy: 1Injury Facts, 2014 . Form A36025IA. A36325IA.1.
Was the patient the driver in a motor vehicle accident? Yes (Attach the Complete Policyholder/Patient Information and sign your claim form. Have the American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (Aflac) . nonmedical facts be released to American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (Aflac) or any.
11 Mar 2016 Contact Us. CSEA Local 880 1580 Merrick Rd Merrick, NY 11566 516.868.0880 516.868.1021 Web Statistics.
ACCIDENTAL INJURY CLAIM FORM. Thank you for trusting Aflac with your Accidental Injury needs. - If you are interested in filing your claim online or uploading
Failure to complete all sections may result in a delay in processing this claim. To prevent delays Was the patient injured in a motor vehicle accident? No. Yes (If yes, please incomplete, or misleading facts or information to an insurance
ACCIDENTAL INJURY CLAIM FORM. Thank you for trusting Aflac with your Accidental Injury needs. > If you are interested in filing your claim online or
Be sure to sign your claim form at the bottom of Page 1. We require a copy of the police accident report for all motor vehicle accident . any other non-medical facts that Aflac deems appropriate to evaluate claims for benefits during the time.
For information or help filing your claim, please call toll-free 1-800-99-AFLAC If the injury resulted from an auto accident, a copy of the police report is required. . other non-medical facts that AFLAC deems appropriate to evaluate claims for.
Your out-of-pockets expenses will be covered with Aflac's personal accident insurance policy for individuals & families. Claim your insurance in a day now with