Dayviews in your mobile
With Dayviews.com in your mobile, you can upload photos and see your friends' photos wherever you are.
Get Dayviews in your phone!Mobile
With Dayviews.com in your iPhone, you can see, comment on and upload photos. You can also read and write comments and messages.
Android (Android 1.6+)
DenCitronen created this Andriod app which lets you view, comment and upload photos. You can also read, write comments and messages.
Windows Phone 7
Olle Westman is behind the app for Windows Phone 7 in which you can view, comment and upload photos. You can also read and write comments.
To upload photos by MMS:
- Log in to your account and activate your mobile phone
- Now you can upload photos via MMS to +46731234567
It's easy to upload photos to your Dayview via MMS.
Connect your Dayview to Facebook and let your friends know when you've updated your Dayview with new photos.
Connect your Dayview to your Twitter account and let your Twitter followers know when you've uploaded new photos.
With an RSS feed, you're friends outside of Dayviews.com can subscribe to tour Dayview and see when you upload something new.
To install the Dayviews-extension in Safari:
- Download addon
- Go to settings and click Advanced
- Check "Show Developer menu"
- Go to the Developer-menu an chose "Activate addons"
- Install addon
An extension to Safari which lets you see if something new has happened in your Dayview.
birdr has made an extension to Chrome, which lets you see of something new has happened in your Dayview.
Internet Explorer 9
If you use the latest browser from Microsoft, you can pin Dayviews.com to your status bar in Windows. You will be notified of new updates on the site and get access to quick links. Real smooth!