Sunday 1 April 2012 photo 11/16
[me2DAY] DARA:
스프링그루브 in 마쿠하리멧세!!! 방금 무대끝내고 왔어요! 와우!!! 오랜만에 무대인데다가 9곡을 연달아부르니 이건 뭐어!@.@정말 쓰러질거같으면서도 계속 뛰게되는 이 짜릿함!!!+.+ 빤따스틱한 관객들~! 캬~!!! 이래서 공연을 끈을수가없어요!!! 와아아아아!!!
TAG: 어디서 이렇게 많은 랙잭이들이?!? 한국 응원법까지 완벽히!!! +.+ 작년콘서트가 떠오르는 무대였어요~! 땡큐!!! ^0^
Springgroove in MakuhariMesse!!! We just ended our performance! Wow!!! Its been so long since we've performed but we got to do 9 songs!@.@ I felt like fainting but still I kept jumping from excitement!!! +.+ Fantastic audience~! Kya~!!! That is why we couldn't stop performing!!! Waaa!!!
TAG: Where did all the blackjacks come from?! Even got the Korean fan chants perfectly!!! +.+ Reminds me of last years concert~! Thank you!!! ^0^
Source: Dara's me2DAY
Translated by: ♥