Monday 21 May 2012 photo 1/4
[me2DAY] DARA:
아우 이게모야!이게모야!ㅋ홍대 지나가다 발견!엠블랙 콘서트 7월21일??두둥..작년여름 기억하나요?우리콘서트하기 일주일전에 천둥이 콘서트라 젤 바쁜시기에 리허설하다가 힘겹게 보러갔엇던거..ㅋ근데 올해도 어김없이! 이건 운명이야!+.+ 아주~ 바빠지겟고만! 홧팅!^.^
TAGS: 올여름방학 엠블랙 콘서트 , 투애니원 콘서트 에서 뜨겁게 보내자!!!
Ow what is this! What is this!ㅋFound it while passing through Hongdae! MBlaq concert July 21st? Doodoong.. Do you remember last summer? One week before our concert, Cheondoong also had a concert so was very busy preparing for his so it was difficult to go see it.. ..ㅋBut this year is the same! It was meant to be!+.+ Really~ we’re getting busier! Fighting!^.^
TAGS: Let’s spend this summer break at the hot MBLAQ concert and 2NE1 concert!!!
Source: Dara’s Me2day
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