Thursday 29 November 2007 photo 1/1
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Fick ett mail från vad som verkar vara en charmerande spansk dam om att jag tydligen vunnit en ansenlig summa pengar. Naturligtvis sammanfattade jag snabbt ett svar. Dear Mrs. Finela Transofa I was, of course, very delighted when your mail reached me yesterday. This is the chance I've been waiting for in two years now. That winter day two years ago when I joined your lottery, I was sure to someday gain something out of it, and now I clearly have. I can't in word discribe how lucky I am to win this prize, it sure will turn my whole life arround. In a good way, of course. But, before I send you all the information you need, I have one question for you. You see, I'm not in the need for money in the moment. I need something else right now. Because of that, my question is; Would it be possible to recieve 10 000 dead kittens instead of the money? With best regards Viktor Låt oss hoppas att de går med på detta nu, då kan alla som vill få en död kattunge var. Och ja, det blev inte lite dålig engelska, men vafan. Jag är sjuk.