Friday 21 August 2009 photo 1/6
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Jag vet att jag har lagt ut denna förut, men jag måste göra det igen, för Joey är ju bara så korkad.
Joey: When I first moved to the city I went out a couple of times with this girl, really hot, great kisser, but she had the biggest adams apple. Drove me nuts
Chandler: You or me? (tittar på Ross)
Ross: I got it. Joey, a women doesn't have adamsapples
Joey: Haha, you guys are messing with me, right?
Alla: Yeah
Joey: That was a good one. For a second there I was like WOW
Joey: When I first moved to the city I went out a couple of times with this girl, really hot, great kisser, but she had the biggest adams apple. Drove me nuts
Chandler: You or me? (tittar på Ross)
Ross: I got it. Joey, a women doesn't have adamsapples
Joey: Haha, you guys are messing with me, right?
Alla: Yeah
Joey: That was a good one. For a second there I was like WOW