Monday 17 November 2014 photo 5/5
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[Volks Yotenshi Yayoi]
"I hate recasts and recasters but I don’t go out of my way to attack the people who choose to buy them. I ignore them instead. I resent the implication that if you’re vocally against something you’re a hateful person."
- Karla-chan-bjd (på tumblr)
""No hate" is just a way of silencing people about issues. We’re not talking about hating people for things that they can’t change - gender, sexuality, race, etc.
Heck, we’re not even talking about hating people.
We’re talking about hating an illegal practice that hurts our artist friends and the hobby and doll industry in general. It’s hating a hurtful choice that people make."
- Armeleia
Jag ser mig själv som anti-recast och känner fler som är det.
Men varken jag, eller någon av de jag känner som är anti-recast "hatar" på de som väljer att köpa recast. Det vi gör är att ignorera dem och undvika dem.
Camera info
Camera Canon EOS 1000D
Focal length 50 mm
Aperture f/4.5
Shutter 1/30 s
ISO 400
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