Monday 1 July 2013 photo 2/2
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Hittar inga extrema. fän
Submit anon: Coming on Too Strong
Submitting our weaboo horror stories is a thing now, right? Well. have I got a story that’ll send chills up your spine. A while ago, back in my first semester at my junior-high school (maybe 6-7 months ago), I didn’t really know anyone, though I *did* want to start off my first year well, so I tried to get to know as many people as I could. Keep in mind that the people at my school are a bit more accepting than other schools, considering the fact that only about 600 people at max get into this school, and why hate the few people you’ve got? And I thought that the year was going pretty well, making friends, doing good in school, etc, up until October.
When it all went wrong.
It was about late-October when I noticed a girl who was in a few of my classes who didn’t seem to have many friends, aside from a few girls and boys who didn’t talk to anyone else. She always dressed in almost anime-type sweater vests and layered pants, but I had heard that she was confused about her gender, so I didn’t think too much of it. Me, not wanting to leave anyone out from having friends, walked over to her one class, and started to talk to her, not really about anything too personal or deep. Things like “Hi, how are you?", “What’s your name?". and so forth. She answered as commonly as any other person would, and I started to think to myself, “Hey, this girl might be a new friend!". and I began hanging out with her more.
Flash-forward a few weeks after that, and it’s early November. I’d found out that she was into anime. *Really*. into anime. Now. I don’t know if you guys have ever met an extreme weeaboo, but that’s exactly what this girl was. Mainly, the anime “Black Butler". Another weird thing I noticed was that she didn’t seem to have any barriers. For example, she’d put her own (poorly drawn; she always drew the same poses for everything) anime/manga pictures of characters from book reports into her presentations, and they’d usually tend to be either the character bent into some position of them taking off their clothes, or about to “make yuri/yaoi" with someone, while she had brought in a life-size cardboard-printout of one of her drawings in as part of a different report (the standup didn’t have anything to do with the report).
Another time, she had written her own fanfiction “lost chapter" of a book, and read it aloud for her presentation. The chapter included the character (an eight year old boy) having the hots for his twenty-five year old teacher, and completely embarrassing himself in front of his entire class by getting a nose bleed over her, and sneezing and coughing…? The original chapter from the book was about the boy bringing in something for show-and-tell! What part of this girl thought that this was okay to read aloud in *class*?
We all felt secondhand embarrassment for her, especially I since I had told her when approached with “What should I write for my book report?" “Write whatever you want!", and I almost felt as though she had taken me a bit *too* seriously.
And to top her low-restrictions off, she always told people about how she had a fetish for blood. *Always*. No matter how unsettled they were by not only the concept of the fetish, which she had no problem delving into entirely in detail, but the fact that she could talk about it and feel no shame in telling people about her sexual life whatsoever.
The worst part of all this?
She developed a *huge* crush on me.
Type crush.
It started out simple enough. She would ask me if I wanted anything to eat from her lunch (I can’t usually afford to buy that much food, my family is somewhat poor), and I’d look through her imported Seaweed from China, and cookies from Japan. I’d gladly take some of the food, always asking if she was okay with it before doing so, and not really paying attention to her when she went on about how “Kawaii you are, Nuka-chan!", or “You’re so tsundere, Nuka-chan!" I usually just figured that I shouldn’t take her seriously, and felt special, even, when she packed me my own lunch for my birthday.
But I *should* have been paying attention. I *should* have been taking her seriously.
Why? Because by the end of November, the Holiday Dance was coming up. Now, I’m not the kind of girl who tends to always ask someone to go with me to dances, and I was just planning on going with my group of friends, so that we could crash the buffet-bar, but…Apparently, this girl had some other ideas in mind.
She came into school wearing one of her infamous low-quality wigs, and asked me during lunch, “Nuka-chan, would you go to the dance with me?"
I stood there, frozen, not knowing what to say. Where had this come from? Then I had a brief moment of all the times she had told me how kawaii she thought I was, how tsundere she thought I was, and how she had taken up the recent habit of stalking me. Oh, *shit*. Now I was screwed. I told her that I didn’t know what to say, and that I needed some time to think about it, and I told her a few hours later that I didn’t want to go with her. She seemed almost disappointed, but I thought to myself that it was all for the best that I not lead her on.
A few days following this, however, she didn’t seem too keen on leaving me alone. In the middle of our humanities class, she goes over to my desk, and gives me her “yaoi" notebook.
“Read it, Nuka-chan! I know that you’ll *looove* it."
I was a bit unsettled by her smile, but nonetheless, I opened up the pages, and nearly threw up from what I read. Now, keep in mind that I’m a girl on the underweight side, with short length brown, curly hair, and usually dress in tee-shirts/hoodies, jeans, and converse, an average girl, who you wouldn’t tend to dream or write about. So…What was it? What could possibly put me as far as to nearly regurgitate my breakfast from this?
It was a free-verse poem about her yuri-fantasies about me. Her blood fetish. She wrote about how she dreamt about cutting me up, about me falling into a sharp food-processor machine. About my blood running through her hands as she made “yuri" to me. I looked up at her, where she stood. “I need to go," I said, and I went and hyperventilated in the bathroom for a few minutes, hunched over a toilet bowl. She also forced me to take the notebook with me, though she didn’t follow me. I thanked god for that as I shakily stood up from the stall, walking back to my classroom. By this point, I was starting to get *very* creeped out by this girl. I started trying to avoid her.
A week later, the dance is in a few days, and she stalks up to me in the chorus-room where I ate lunch with my friends.
“Nuuuuka-chaaan!!" Her sing-song voice sent chills up my spine. I turned around, and asked her what she wanted. “I want you to go with me on a daaate!"
I told her the same as I told her before; I need time to think about it. I got up, and went to the girl’s room, locking myself in the large stall and sitting up in the crook of the window, trying to find some music on my ipod to calm my racing heart. I was officially scared by this point, as I had found another “poem" written by her on Deviantart. Just then, I heard her voice, followed by her weeaboo friend’s voices. I sat there in shock for a few minutes, not sure whether to walk out, or to stay put. I figured she’d be freaked out/pissed off if she knew that I had gone in her to get away from her. They talked for a few minutes out there, mainly about how “kawaii-desu" and “seme" I was. I considered throwing up, I’m not going to deny it. They eventually left, and I ran like a motherfucker out of there.
If I ever did consider going out with her (I’m bi), that idea was far gone by this point. I told her later that day that I didn’t want to be with her, and that she needed to stop being creepy.
She still stalks me to this day, and I try my best to avoid her and her weeaboo friends, for fear of worse things happening next time she gets any other “ideas".

Fri 5 Jul 2013 21:30
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