Monday 6 August 2007 photo 1/2
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A: You like to drink. B: Everyone wants you. C: You are really silly. D: You like to drink. E: Damn good kisser. F: You are dead sexy. G: You never let people tell you what to do. H: You have a very good personality and looks. I: You are great in bed J: People adore you. K: You're wild and crazy. L: Everyone loves you. M: Best kisser ever. N: You can keep secrets. O: Awesome kisser. P: You are popular with all types of people. Q: You are a hypocrite. R: Fucking crazy. S: Easy to fall in love with. T: You're loyal to those you love. U: You really like to chill. V: You are not judgemental. W: You are very broad minded. X: Your very good at work/school. Y: Best girlfriend/boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. Z: Always ready
Comment the photo

Mon 27 Aug 2007 00:20
du posar inte allllllls mkt dennis ;)

Mon 27 Aug 2007 00:21
Haha jag skulle faktiskt på fest oså sa min syrra att jag såg ut som en brat med min morsas brillor! Då tog vi ett kort på't helt enkelt..

Thu 23 Aug 2007 21:16
snygging ;)

Mon 20 Aug 2007 10:58
J: People adore you.
O: Awesome kisser.
H: You have a very good personality and looks.
A: You like to drink.
N: You can keep secrets.
N: You can keep secrets.
A: You like to drink.
O: Awesome kisser.
H: You have a very good personality and looks.
A: You like to drink.
N: You can keep secrets.
N: You can keep secrets.
A: You like to drink.

Mon 20 Aug 2007 01:20
J: Poeple adore you
O: Awesome kisser
H: You have a very good personality and looks
A: You like to drink
N: You can keep secrets
Hmm ? :]
O: Awesome kisser
H: You have a very good personality and looks
A: You like to drink
N: You can keep secrets
Hmm ? :]

Sun 19 Aug 2007 17:52
A: You like to drink.
D: You like to drink.
A: You like to drink.
M: Best kisser ever.
hahah :D
D: You like to drink.
A: You like to drink.
M: Best kisser ever.
hahah :D

Wed 15 Aug 2007 00:36
Den där listan var ju så jävla sämst! Finns ju inget jävla Ö med!!! retards asså
Mon 6 Aug 2007 22:50
S: Easy to fall in love with
A: You like to drink
N: You can keep secrets
D: You like to drink
R: Fucking crazy.
A: You like to drink
(vafan, är jag någon fucking alkis eller?! xD)
A: You like to drink
N: You can keep secrets
D: You like to drink
R: Fucking crazy.
A: You like to drink
(vafan, är jag någon fucking alkis eller?! xD)
Mon 6 Aug 2007 02:16
D: You like to drink
E: Damn good kisser
N: You can keep secrets
N: You can keep secrets
I: You are great in bed
S: Easy to fall in love with
E: Damn good kisser
N: You can keep secrets
N: You can keep secrets
I: You are great in bed
S: Easy to fall in love with
13 comments on this photo