Wednesday 30 July 2008 photo 1/1
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How to Cope With World of Warcraft Maintenance Day
It's realm maintenance day and you're such an addict you can't figure out how to cope with the realms being down for 6-8 hours.
- Update your Add-ons and Mods to the game. Chances are some of them are out of date.
- If you're a hardcore end-game raider, go beef up on your strategy. Read ahead for the upcoming boss fights so you'll be prepared when you reach them.
- If you're not a hardcore end-game raider and want to be, go look for a guild to join. Try the WoW Realm Forums, many of the realms have a recruiting sticky.
- Read up on strategy for your class.
- Consider a new talent build, you can find talent calculators here: or
- If you're into Role-Playing, go read some "lore" or work on your backstory incessantly.
- Take a break from thinking about World of Warcraft! Go read Dilbert or something....
- Listen to some podcasts about World of Warcraft, such as or
- Listen to WoW radio at
- Cry a little. Sometimes crying gets out a lot of frustration you have in-game and will make your play time later in the day that much more enjoyable!
- Attempt to draw your character if you are not much of an artist. Draw your character in some absurd situation if you are an artist.
- Sleep. This way you are well rested when WoW Realms come back up.
- If you need some mindless hack-and-slash, there are lots of MMORPG's that are rip-offs of World of Warcraft. There are also many console RPG's which can provide WoW's level of excitement (Anachronox comes to mind.)
- Play World of Warcraft private servers.
- Download some music to listen to during the next big boss fight. Good music can help a lot of things for most people.
- Make an account on a different, free RPG. Maybe try Runescape. Who knows? You might find a new addiction.
- Try not to panic. Even in the worst case scenario, the realms have never been down more than 16-20 hours in a row, and rarely more than 8.
- Develop a mantra to mutter to yourself to try and help cope.
- Use this as a good time to get over your Warcraft addiction, if you have one. If you can last this day, try to keep it going the next day too. It's very important to have an outside life and interact in the real world. Life is not just about this little game.
- Or you could go outside and take a hike or walk. Relearn what makes you happy in life, other than World of Warcraft.
- You can also get together with your friends, or go out with your girlfriend or boyfriend.
- Consider venting your frustration in a creative outlet like poetry.

Wed 30 Jul 2008 12:06
hahaha, vad rolig :D
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