Mikael Johannesson
The story of brave young Hjalmar Nostril
Once there was a brave young nose named Hjalmar Nostril.
One day, Hjalmar went out for a sniff in the gloomy forest of Evergloom.
As the little nose trod the land of his ancestors (the great family of Nostrils had long lived in these wretched parts of the world) he came to a sudden halt as he gazed upon something new in the forest. There on the forest floor lay a thin white line of a powder-like substance. He decided to take a sniff to determine what it was. *Sniff* *Sniff* He went as colours suddenly started to float before his non-excisting eyes. Oh what a wonderful joy he felt as he drifted up the rainbow, an angelic chorus calling out his name. "Hjalmar! Hjalmar!" They sang...
Hjalmar felt he had no choice but to follow these angelic voices up the rainbow. But alas something was holding him back. Small strings of silver as stuck to his back, prevented him from ascending to the heavens. "Why, oh why!" Hjalmar cried, his face contorded in pain. "Why wont you let me gaze upon these faces that emits such angelic chants. Woe is me for I shall never see such faces true and pure!"
The following day Hjalmar woke up with an aching sadness, as though he was missing something, but what, he could naught remeber. He pondered long about the previous days events, going through his head, all what he had experienced. Had it all really happened, or was it just the lunacy of his own imagination? Those beautiful chanting voices, were they nothing but a drifting dream?
While Hjalmar strode the old forest path he did every morning still thinking of yesterdays exciting events he came to a sudden halt. He recognized this place although he could not put his non-excisting finger on what it was that felt so familiar about this place. Now thinking in new lanes of thoughts he came to the conclusion that he must have been here before and therefor he is experience this strange deja vu like feeling.
Quite pleased with his achievements today he went to bed.
That night Hjalmar dreamt of the angelic voices and the rainbow all aglow. This time when climbing the rainbow, no strings of silver held him back and Hjalmar could easily get to the top and there he sat.
While sitting on the vertex of the rainbow a big and puffy cloud came flying by. Hjalmar started sniffing and sniffed so the cloud until he died.
Hjalmar died happily with a cloud up his nose.
By: Mikael and Cathrine
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