Tuesday 19 February 2008 photo 3/3
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A customer! Wait! What's your rush? What's your hurry? You gave me such a... fright! I thought you was a ghost! Half a minute, can't ya sit? Sit ya down! Sit! All I meant is that I haven't seen a customer for weeks. Did ya come here for a pie, sir? Do forgive me if my head's a little vague. Ugh! What is that? But you'd think we had the plague. From the way that people keep avoiding! No you don't! Heaven knows I try, sir! But there's no one comes in even to inhale! Right you are, sir, would you like a drop of ale? Mind you I can hardly blame them! These are probably the worst pies in London. I know why nobody cares to take them! I should know! I make them! But good? No... The worst pies in London... Even that's polite! The worst pies in London! If you doubt it take a bite! uhh Is that just, disgusting? You have to concede it! It's nothing but crusting! Here drink this, you'll need it. The worst pies in London And no wonder with the price of meat what it is when you get it. Never thought I'd live to see the day. Men'd think it was a treat findin' poor animals what are dyin' in the street. Mrs. Mooney has a pie shop. Does a business, but I notice something weird. Lately, all her neighbors cats have disappeared. Have to hand it to her! What I calls, enterprise! Poppin' pussies into pies! Wouldn't do in my shop! Just the thought of it's enough to make you sick! And I'm telling you them pussycats is quick. No denying times is hard, sir! Even harder than the worst pies in London. Only lard and nothing more- Is that just revolting? All greasy and gritty? It looks like it's molting! And tastes like...we'll pity. A woman alone...with limited wind And the worst pies in London! Ah, sir Times is hard. Times is hard.
Tue 19 Feb 2008 19:08
med tanke på allas tjat om att de tappar besökare, medans jag bara får fler helatiden, så måste det betyda att jag är bättre än alla andra och att ingen vill bevaka er för at tjag e ceoowlare att bevaka lixom :O

Tue 19 Feb 2008 19:09
det visade sig vara en person jag lika gärna kan vara utan iaf XD men nej simon, det är folk som vill ligga med dig som bevakar dig,,det är förför du har fler bevakare XD (hur dags spelar du imorgon?)

Tue 19 Feb 2008 15:20
Du ser så söt & oskyldig ut där hehe
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