Saturday 9 October 2010 photo 1/1
Kände att jag behövde ladda upp något :P Njuter väl just nu av en lugn och skön helg ^^ Min hamroo springer omkring på golvet, hihi <3 Egentligen måste jag jobba matte och skriva den jädra projektplaneringen... x( Såg en jätte sorglig/hemsk film igår, "Flickan från ovan/The lovely bones". Usch blev värsta deppig och grät som ett barn..
There are certain people you just keep coming back to
She is right in front of you
You begin to wonder could you find a better one
Compared to her now she's in question
Looking for the right one you line up the world to find
Where no questions cross your mind
But she won't keep on waiting for you without a doubt
Much longer for you to sort it out
Maybe you want her, maybe you need her
Maybe you started to compare to someone not there
Maybe you want it, maybe you need it
Maybe it's all you're running from
Perfection will not come
And all at once the crowd begins to sing
We'd never know what's wrong without the pain
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same
Maybe you want her, maybe you need her
Maybe you had her, maybe you lost her to another