Tuesday 27 October 2009 photo 1/2
Full life living it, never giving it back
Too late for slipping, so slack
Up on my lap it’s on your lips so trap shut
A steel dick more flick for pump
But all I'm saying there ain't no question who da man is
In my civic or in this show biz
I shoot a fool, kill a fool
Come on what you say?
I think I can take care of all you muthafuckas don't delay right away
Pistol grip pump on my lap at all times
Pistol grip pump on my lap at all times
Pistol grip pump on my lap at all times
They can be fucking with other niggaz shit, but they can’t be fucking with mine
(Har varit död idag, som på den gamla bilden. Jag är på arg musik humör, muäääääh, har lyssnat på en del Rammstein. It ain't that bad actually. Samt "det där metal bandet som jag såg i Budapest medan alla andra cufade på hotellrummet" muähähäh)
(Låttext från Pistol grip pump, rage against the mashines)
Too late for slipping, so slack
Up on my lap it’s on your lips so trap shut
A steel dick more flick for pump
But all I'm saying there ain't no question who da man is
In my civic or in this show biz
I shoot a fool, kill a fool
Come on what you say?
I think I can take care of all you muthafuckas don't delay right away
Pistol grip pump on my lap at all times
Pistol grip pump on my lap at all times
Pistol grip pump on my lap at all times
They can be fucking with other niggaz shit, but they can’t be fucking with mine
Comment the photo
cufade xD jag gick ju ner dit, jag och sara, men alla jävla hårdrockare SMOKED så jag sprang ut för o kunna andas!
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