September 2007
Janis Martin avled denna dag i cancer!!!!!!
"Den kvinnliga Elvis"!!!
Hon blev 67 år gammal
Hennes mest kända låtar är: Drugstore Rock And Roll, Bang Bang,
My Boy Elvis och Will You Willyum (Som hammna #36 på Amerikanska topplistan)
Janis föddes den 27 mars 1940. Hon spela in sin första skiva på RCA
(Drugstore Rock And Roll/will You Willyum) 1956.
Det är ju nästan så man måste köpa den.
Dessutom hade SLA en stor artikel om Willy King idag - Skaraborgs Rock kung!!!!!
"Now, I don't care 'bout what you are
A punk or skin or mod
But I can tell you you've got nothing
Of the things we've got
And as long as you mind your own business
It won't drive me wild
When yo
I go down town on a Saturday night
Looking for some punks to have a fight
I hate them punks, they're really vile
I kick 'em in bollocks, that's my style
Punk bashing boogie on a Saturday nig
When I was just a little bitty boy
Didn't care for trains or any other toys
Sneaked into bars just to watch the people drink
That's where I got an influence I think
Got a chemistry set at the ag