Sunday 16 January 2011 photo 6/8
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Sunday 16 January 2011 photo 6/8
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After that day, Kisame didn´t speak much to Eru at all. She was Busy enough to care about that moment. It had gone exactly a week since the day at the meadow, and Kisame had, In secret, gathered quite some information about Konoha. Still, his mind sometimes gave him a massive head rush and kept him from focusing on the subject. Instead, his thought circulated around Eru. The feeling of her arms around him was something he was sure to never forget. He really loved her, would he ever say it to her? Not a chance. If he, a S-ranked criminal, said that to her, she would just probably cut his head off. But on the other hand, she DID embrace him, so Kisame actually was REALLY, REALLY, confused at the moment.
[Eru´s point of view]
She sighted, walked over to one of the armchairs by the bookshelf and sat down. It had been a busy week for her, since he had to fill and send in a lot of reports about the proceeding and other happenings. It had been really complicated because she and Kisame hadn´t talked much to each other in a while… Not since… Eru got a slight shade of red on her cheeks as she remembered what she´d done that day. She shook her head lightly and tried to regain concentration. Unfortunately, without succeeding. Eru lay back in the armchair and rested her head in her right palm.
‘It feels like I care a bit too much about that damn shark’ she thought. ‘What to do…? Maybe execute him right away… It’s not good if I actually start to fancy him’ Eru felt strange, the word “execute" hit her like an arrow in the heart. She made a half, coughing sound, and felt her heart beat hardly. Why this sharp pain? Executing a criminal has never made her even shed a tear. But suddenly, the death of him felt like she´d remember it forever. Making her feel sorry for not stopping them, like she´d actually cared about him…. maybe more. When she think´d about it, she had been really lonely this whole week. Alone…. A feeling she hated more than anything else. Suddenly, quite annoying and unwanted pictures started to overtake her mind. Pictures she´d never thought she´d ever see in her whole life. She sees her and Kisame, having fun together. Him Kissinger her forehead and her looking down in embarrassment, Kisame wrapping his arms around her as they watched a movie together. The pictures in her mind send’s a chill down her spine, but they also warmed her heart. Touched her deeply. She shook her head heavily again and again. Trying to erase the weird, warming feeling in her heart. His words; “Of course I do" that he´d said that day…. He admitted that he cared about her…. Eru could not hold it anymore. She lifted her legs up, making her rest her head against her knees.
‘You idiot…’ she thought. ‘You promised me…. You said you´d never fall for anyone’
‘Kisame….’ Eru closed her eyes. ‘What did you to me…?’
[Back at Kisames point of view]
He sat up on his bed, looking around at the grey, concrete walls. He got up on his feet and walked over to the door, but he didn´t open it. Kisame didn´t know if he should walk out and try to talk to her or if he´d stay here and wait for her to break the ice. He stared at a place on the wall left to him, where he had created a little calendar. Eight drawn stretch was painted on the wall with a pencil. One for each day that had passed. He picked up the pencil and looked at it with an emotionless face. He rose it to the wall and begun to write.
“I don’t know what to write… It just feels like I have to do something. Why must it be so complicated? I want to talk to her, but it feels like if I do it she´ll just ignore me. I wonder what the others do right now, if leader-sama wonders where I am…. Should I talk to her…? I really like her, but. Ah I don’t know. Damn this. I´ll try. I hope she´s in a good mode."
He throwed the pencil down on his bed and opened the door. He walked out in the hallway, and immediately saw that she sat down in one of the armchairs in the living room. He swallowed but walked up to her.