Friday 21 January 2011 photo 4/14
Friday 21 January 2011 photo 4/14
Tuesday 4/9 -11
How should I best describe my situation? Well, Death, the ruler of the underworld and the collector of souls, is sitting in my living room and is playing Zelda. The weirder thing about this, if it could be any stranger, is that he is my boyfriend. Of course you think; Bones? As a boyfriend? I know, but you´re wrong. His name is Tharanos, and he pretty much looks like a normal human. The only difference is that his skin is white and the obvious, dark circles around his eyes, and the two black stretches on his cheeks. He´s over 5000 years old, but has taken the form of a 17 year old human boy. Twilight references? Yes. But he is VERY much different from that sparkling bitch. Nah, not much to write. He´s calling for me, the controller is broken, he says. Heeeeh, anyway. Bye for today.