Wednesday 18 May 2011 photo 3/3
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’Why the hell did l participate in this?’ was the thought that ran through Eru´s head that moment. The Buggy pirates and the Straw-hat pirates had put their fights aside for a while and were currently enjoying a quite wild party. Eru was sitting on the fake lawn that took up most space on deck of the Thousand Sunny while her captain Buggy sat besides her drinking some booze. Cabaji and Mohji were doing their circus tricks as Ritchie tried to eat Chopper for the fifth time this evening. Suddenly Nami´s voice silenced the rest of us, and kept us quiet.
“Alright everyone!" she said. “Let´s play ‘7 minutes in heaven’!" We all raised a brow.
“The hell´s that?" said Mohji who just sat now on the lawn. Nami gave him an annoyed look.
“Seven minutes in heaven is a game." she said. “You take two persons and lock them in a closet for seven minutes were they can do whatever they want to each other without disturbance" Everyone, except for Sanji, seemed quite confused about this ‘game’, but all did indeed want to try it out.
“Okay!" Nami said and took Luffys hat off his head and gave everyone a small piece of paper. “Write your name on it!" When everyone wrote their name on the papers, they were put in the hat and Buggy was first one to pick one.
‘Goddamn don’t pick mine… don’t pick mine… don’t pick mine…’ Eru thought, closing her eyes hoping it would prevent Buggy from getting her name. In a few seconds, a name was called up.
“Well… sure." Buggy said a bit sighting. “Eru, I guess we´re up."
‘GODDAMNIT’ Eru thought and got on her feet, walking over to the closet were Nami already stood, showing them where they should go. The last thing she heard before the door shut behind them, were Sanji shouting;
“If you touch her, big nose, I’m going to make soufflé out of you!" Then the door slam shut. Darkness spread across the room, or closet, and Eru got a hard time trying to see what was Buggy and what wasn´t. Although, she didn´t need to. The very next second the door shut, Buggy grabbed her waist, pulling her close to him.
“W-Wha-“ Eru said almost in chock, but couldn´t get any further. He began slightly rubbing her back, pulling them somewhat closer together. Warmth began spreading all over her back and she rolled her head back slightly to feel more. Buggy immediately bowed down, and began kissing and sucking her neck.
“Nnnnh…" she let out a low moan. Eru didn´t really know what to do. As much as she wanted to flee out the door and never talk to her captain again, she felt like she couldn´t move from the spot. Like if she didn’t want to move. Eru liked him, sure she did, but she´d never dreamt about such thing to happen. She rested her hands on Buggy´s slim, yet muscular torso, pushing them even closer, as if it even was possible. Her mind we´re still stuck in disbelief while her body wanted him, badly. Buggy pushed them apart only to crash into Eru´s lips the next second. She leaned forwards, returning the kiss with the confidence that she really wanted him, and answered her body’s needs for once in a while. Buggy licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance. Eru opened her mouth slightly, allowed him to slip his tongue in. Eru didn´t know why, but she was still halfheartedly trying to push him back. He won that battle in ease and began exploring the untouched parts of her mouth.
“SEVEN MINUTES UP!" a voice cried of the other side of the door and it flied open. She quickly pushed herself away from Buggy´s grip and walked out the door while she could feel the others gazes almost burned on her skin.
“Y-Y-YOU BASTARD, BIG NOSE!!" Sanji cried out in frustration. “IM GOING TO SLAUGHTER YOU!"
“WHO´S GOT A BIG NOSE HUUUUUH!?" Buggy replied in the same frustrated voice. Eru and the rest of the girls on the boat just giggled. Although, Eru bet she would be interrogated sooner or later.
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you're eru-chan, ne?
captain told me about you :)
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