Thursday 27 November 2008 photo 2/2
When you grow up, things changes:
- Your best friends become bitchs
- Your boyfriends become bastards
- Homework is the last thing on your mind
Because seeing your mates comes before anything
- Your mobiles are used in lessons
- Pretend lipgloss becomes real make up
- Lollypops become ciggarets
- Cooties become STD´s
- Sweets become drugs
- Candy becomes beer
- Lemonade becomes smirnoff ice
- Water becomes VODKA!
- Kissing becomes Sex
- Love becomes heartbreak
But dont you remember been sweet and innocent?
- When sex was a rude word..
- When the only thing boys played was football..
- When grazing your knee was the worst pain ever..
- When wearing a skirt didnt make you a slag!!
- When the school nurse didnt ask if you was pregnant
because you said you had a tummy ache
- When getting high ment swinging at the park.
- When barbies were toys not real people
- But one thing that will always stay the same are
Never regret anything that made you smile!
- Your best friends become bitchs
- Your boyfriends become bastards
- Homework is the last thing on your mind
Because seeing your mates comes before anything
- Your mobiles are used in lessons
- Pretend lipgloss becomes real make up
- Lollypops become ciggarets
- Cooties become STD´s
- Sweets become drugs
- Candy becomes beer
- Lemonade becomes smirnoff ice
- Water becomes VODKA!
- Kissing becomes Sex
- Love becomes heartbreak
But dont you remember been sweet and innocent?
- When sex was a rude word..
- When the only thing boys played was football..
- When grazing your knee was the worst pain ever..
- When wearing a skirt didnt make you a slag!!
- When the school nurse didnt ask if you was pregnant
because you said you had a tummy ache
- When getting high ment swinging at the park.
- When barbies were toys not real people
- But one thing that will always stay the same are
Never regret anything that made you smile!