Saturday 5 March 2011 photo 1/1
So. For the first time, I want to cosplay a mecha.
...of course, it'd be so much easier to cosplay the mecha's PILOT, but........ I want to cosplay the goddamn MECHA! IT'S GORGEOUS. ...also I'm a nerd.
WHEN (or how) I'll be able to do this, if ever, is another question. But I suppose it'll go up there with the dream cosplays. :|a
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Tue 8 Mar 2011 20:07
Of course. Miyano Mamoru makes everything better all the time. Och så får man så roliga flashbacks till Durarara!!/Ouran/Death Note/Soul Eater/Skip Beat/Tsubasa/Vesperia + en massa andra animer och spel XD
Tue 8 Mar 2011 21:23
Jag har inte sett/spelat mer än en bråkdel av allt han gjort dock, men han gör onekligen allt han tar i till guld XD <3
Sun 6 Mar 2011 00:28
Though I'd love to cosplay anyone from that series, really. Takuto, Sugata, Head, KANAKO.
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