Wednesday 19 December 2007 photo 1/6
Blasted annoying sheet (Yes, sheet)! A friend of mine (Bjørnar) got married with some Chilean woman (Daniela) and without ANY reason to do so, she starts calling me "a fucking annoying child" (quote: Daniela). she says that she has had a baaaaad feeling about me since we first talked and she talks like im trying to take her husband away from her. ive never met the dude! plus, he's like 30 years old (or a bit less). She lies and says that his mom has told her that i have called several times after she made bjørnar send me an email saying he didn't want to see me again. I haven't said a word to him, I've been too pissed off at him for being so manipulated. Now she has made him send another email. Quote of Bjørnar: "Jeg føler det er på tide å avslutte alt nå, Daniela har følt helt fra første gang hun hørte om deg at noe ikke er bra. Jeg har opplevd at hennes intuisjon har vært korrekt hittil, og jeg velger å stole på kona mi og jeg hater når hun er trist. Det gjør meg også trist. Jeg vil aldri kontakte deg igjen, og håper du aldri vil kontakte oss igjen. Du er slettet fra mitt liv."
Comment the photo
Wed 19 Dec 2007 15:53
I would pretty much agree in what Solstickan said ~nodnodnod~
Wed 19 Dec 2007 14:39
I'd put a couple of rounds in their heads... Fucken morons.
Wed 19 Dec 2007 13:03
Yay, kill them good :D
Wed 19 Dec 2007 12:59
Umh, just make sure HE doesn't gets the anthrax. xD Or, well, if you want to take him doen as well then xD
Wed 19 Dec 2007 13:00
both of them, actually. Bjørnar for being so easily manipulated and Daniela for being a manipulative bitch ^.^
Wed 19 Dec 2007 12:55
Yeah, send anthrax instead :D
Wed 19 Dec 2007 12:56
kay xD just have to find her adress then :3 not hard at all >:D ill just find her husband's adress from my old adress book! MUAHAHHA
Wed 19 Dec 2007 12:50
O_____O Sorry for the choise of words but... Daniela seems to be a fucking bitch! >_>
Go make her life a living hell... without getting caught ofcourse O.o
Go make her life a living hell... without getting caught ofcourse O.o
Wed 19 Dec 2007 12:51
Yeah I know she is. But how do i? Is sending her burnt cookies too obvious? :O
13 comments on this photo