May 2008
Where did Cloudie go? o.oYeah, I'm playing FFVII again XD man, i gotta say, vista has fked up the pleasure of the game. big time. first of all, the music is fked up (because it's midi), second - the c
OH FK! D: it's 4 am and i was supposed to take an early night D:'''picture from
this thing creepes me out big time D: i'ts spine isn't working, and it has TWO HEADS D': it's so CREEPY D:
OKAYWHATTHEHELL, FLURKIE! o____________________________________oand sunstick, i'm sorry xD someone ARE worse xD
Fudemental christians in their chatrooms are both scary and funny o_O : use kris wilson (yes cyanide & h
PARANOIA HAS STRUCK THE TOWN OF MOLDEEEEEEEE! yesterday i walked around feeling that people were following me, that something was behind every corner and i got chill bumps all the time o______o today
So close but yet so far... >3> (at 7777 hp the keeper of the hp keeps hitting 7777 throughout the fight (as far as i know it's in berserk-mode...))Yes, I'm spamming FFVII-pictures! >:D Mweheh
KYAAAA! I've spent almost an hour flying randomly around trying to find ultimate weapon, but he's like sunken in the sand of the gold saucer with his big brother (omgz spoiler!) He's not on any of his
"Gueststarring" girl in the Sunday comic (today o,o)I don't know what did it, but i just LOVED her design :O Iz purti, no?
i choose what is chosen in the "cartoon" and mr. chocobo runs away... same if i choose the other one... and before you ask: i own the entire stable D:edit: goddammit the quality of the redness sucks x
Now what the hell is it with that then... 29p left of lvling... (99 is max lvl)... i get 2600 (or 1960 or something if there are 3 mobs) each fight >3>
Du ska printa din bakrundsbild och sedan lägga in den här på din bdb, under bilden du lagt in, ska denna text stå! Utan att ändra bild innan.blev utmanad av Etuxia (not rea
What does that equal? Yes, 48. 48! With chapter summaries, that equals friggin 48 A4 PAGES! DD: With nothing interesting what-so-ever! And what about those 48 pages? I have to know everything they say
Now! Today has been a weird day. First of all, as I told mr. Sunstick, I was told early today that I was going to have this test (Another one! Just what I needed with all that text to remember from 6
Damn I've fallen for VeggieTales ( xD Ever heard "(We're) the pirates who don't do anything"? That's them... If not: Go to these links (I DEMANDZ!!!!!!) : The pirates who don't do anyt