July 2008
Er. Yeah, I'm playing FFVII. Again. What can I say - it's a good (and addictive) game! But has anyone noticed this error-ish detail in the opening quest? There's a shadow in the highlighted spot on t
... And since I have no life, and because of my damned cold have too much sparetime, i tried to make the shadowing in the picture a bit more realistic.. curse you, artist-instinct-thingy... i made the
"I'm taking the treasure," Cloud says. This is Tifa's reply. o_o' THANKS CAPTAIN OBVIOUS! didn't you realize that before now?! some childhood friend...
Fick tre yrken av Solstickan att välja mellan. Dishwasher! Operasinger! Warlord of Puppies! Välj ett, kommentera och få 3 yrken som dina vänner får välja mellan. :D O
alright! annual jazz festival here this week! I got myself a silly copy of an ankh (OF ETERNAL LIFE IM NOT A DAMNED GOTH <________<) 8D I wish there were some people there who sold GOOD copies