April 2009
omgomgomg i just reported my first crime :O the poor police man was like 'wtf?' when i said what i wanted to report; a gang of drunk teens were stealing some planks from over there ~points down road~
wtf, now my mum has also joined church! (http://bilddagboken.se/p/show.html?crossdomain=1&t=1237330801&id=344500262)
I might be adding some of you on faycbuk these days under the name 'Ingeborg Anne Rakvåg'. If I don't - ADD MEEEEEE for buggary's sake :3<3
EGO COMMERCIAL! I just uploaded a new drawing 8D Go watch pleez?<3 http://katanahiryuu.deviantart.com/art/God-of-Nature-118328783
I really don't understand myself. I LOVE EGYPT. But I'm confused. Again, I LOVE Egypt. But I also love rain over everything in this world. Also, I don't function over 23*C. In Egypt, it might rain onc
KOKIA IZ COMING TO EUROPEEEEEE! European Tour Wasabi Records and Gekido Tour have the pleasure to annouce that KOKIA will make her first European Tour in June 2009 12th June: Paris, France @
Kokia - Hana (flower) Original and beautifully composed, in a way that makes you feel that you're watching flowers bowing in different directions. I really recommend it (along with the rest of the art
Whee, the deadline for apply for universities (and høyskole) died today! This is mah priority list 8D