Wednesday 14 May 2008 photo 2/2
What does that equal? Yes, 48. 48! With chapter summaries, that equals friggin 48 A4 PAGES! DD: With nothing interesting what-so-ever! And what about those 48 pages? I have to know everything they say within tomorrow - we're having a bitchass-long test in geographics. YAY for our teachers that makes giant tests when final exams are just around the corner! Good job~!
Comment the photo
Fri 16 May 2008 00:20
did she come later then? : O
Thu 15 May 2008 20:02
teachers suck >_>
Thu 15 May 2008 20:03
yes they do! ^.^ today (1st class) i learnt that i was going to have another test today, right after the break... sooooo i met where she said i was going to have the test, but.. she didn't turn up... i waited for 20 friggin minutes in a room that was colder than outside!
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