Thursday 15 May 2008 photo 1/1
Now! Today has been a weird day. First of all, as I told mr. Sunstick, I was told early today that I was going to have this test (Another one! Just what I needed with all that text to remember from 6 hours reading yesterday!) just after the break today. Meaning, I had to read the entire break while I should be eating and having fun with my friends. And I met as I should (in an icy cold classroom) - sat down and waited. And waited. And waited. For 20 DARNED MINUTES! And she didn't turn up! I'm PISSED OFF AT HER for wasting my time! >3>
But what's weirder with today is my sudden desire to read and work with history. I've been looking at historic facts about random stuff (hence the "title" 'random' (NICKE-LO-DI-OOOON)) like Djengis Khan and Cpt. James Cook's travels o-O What's wrong with me? I've never been into things like that? I should be reading about Ancient Egypt! That's what I am (or thought I was) interested in Q.<
Comment the photo
Fri 16 May 2008 08:50
Bare sunt å være interessert i ting. Lær deg mye om Australia da, og LÆR DET TIL MEG så jeg kan surfe gjennom det helvetes historieprosjektet som jeg må framføre om to uker når jeg også har prosjekter i musikk og samfunnsfag og lekser i piano og gruer meg som et helvete til eksamen og ikke greier å konsentrere meg fordi jeg lider av Daniel-abstinens. >__> Har ikke sett han siden helga etter WSS.
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