Thursday 7 June 2007 photo 2/7
A random lady I suddenly felt like drawing in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep ._o (Apari = Plural of Aparie, a flower from my book :p)
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Sat 19 Jul 2008 12:45
kinda hard to say 8D been drawing people since i was like 11, but i've been drawing (mostly animals) since forever x3
(Yeah it's kinda strange answering in English, but it's because Norwegian is a silly language.)
(Yeah it's kinda strange answering in English, but it's because Norwegian is a silly language.)
Tue 12 Jun 2007 10:09
I like your drawing ^^ (saw you on S0lstickans blddagbok) have a nice day *hugs*
Sat 9 Jun 2007 23:25
Still cute ^^
Thu 7 Jun 2007 23:38
cute ^^
9 comments on this photo