Saturday 31 July 2010 photo 1/1
God I wish that I could hide away
And find a wall to bang my brains
I'm living in a fantasy, a nightmare dream.....reality
People ride about all day
In metal boxes made away
I wish that they would drop the bomb
And KILL THESE CUNTS that don't belong
I hate people
I hate the human race
I hate people
I hate your ugly face
I hate people
I hate your fucking mess
I hate people
They hate me
My mother thinks that I am a jerk
Because I hate my bleeding work
Be like your daddy he's sincere
But don't be true ...........or you'll be queer
I'm working at my 9 to 5
with boring cunts that give me jibe
their talking of the love they give
they never give.....they never give.......
I hate people
I hate the human race
I hate people
I hate your ugly face
I hate people
I hate your fucking mess
I hate people
They hate me
X 2
varför ska allting gå emot..... e mordiskt jävla negativ...har varit det på sista tidne..och då ger allt mer o mer saker ihop och de blir bara sit och ba bla....och de jag stör mig mest på av allt är mitt jävla KNÄ!! jag vill bara vara frisk för jäveln...och hålla på med kampsport...då hade man inte varit så här negativ..
Sun 1 Aug 2010 13:35
*skickar positiv energi* :D
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