Sunday 30 November 2008 photo 1/2
people say I should cut it
Comment the photo
Tue 9 Dec 2008 10:29
don't cut!
meh, i got home from the hospital yesterday, i tried calling you but it went straight to your machine? hope you're okay.
meh, i got home from the hospital yesterday, i tried calling you but it went straight to your machine? hope you're okay.
Tue 9 Dec 2008 10:30
ahm uhm yeah... damn phone - but I should soon get it fixed. I am alright ^^
Hope your "date" went well and that you feel super and excited about the party this weekend.
(nah won't cut ^^)
ahm uhm yeah... damn phone - but I should soon get it fixed. I am alright ^^
Hope your "date" went well and that you feel super and excited about the party this weekend.
(nah won't cut ^^)
Wed 3 Dec 2008 11:09
tjo, men synes jeg har haft det og det er noget man altid kan få.
Men tak for svaret :)
Men tak for svaret :)
Mon 1 Dec 2008 12:55
klip kilp klip! :D
Mon 1 Dec 2008 12:56
haha nææææh nej du ^^
Du er tilsyneladende en af få som synes det skal af.
Dog KAN det være jeg laver noget Ola Salo med en stribe i osv... dunno - men langt for nu ^^!!!!
(jeg er sød alligevel!)
Du er tilsyneladende en af få som synes det skal af.
Dog KAN det være jeg laver noget Ola Salo med en stribe i osv... dunno - men langt for nu ^^!!!!
(jeg er sød alligevel!)
Sun 30 Nov 2008 18:59
it means the world when it comes from you
thanx och pusspuss baby
thanx och pusspuss baby
Sun 30 Nov 2008 18:55
Keep it long! If you really have to cut it - just take the "topparna";-)
14 comments on this photo