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See the stone set in your eyes See the thorn twist in your side I wait for you Sleight of hand and twist of fate On a bed of nails she makes me wait And I wait without you With or without you With o
"The everlasting fortune:Gone & Forgotten" I feel the ground is melting between us. As the shells of our burden slowely fade. When knowledge begins to decieve us. Words are dying as they reach th
En liten ekorre.(använde inget telezoomobjektiv,körde på vanliga standard 18-55)
Tog kortet med en hand utan att kolla i sökaren,ganska maffigt om jag får säga det själv.
"Mortalitas Postulatio" A rendezvous for all those lonely nights that hatched inside my mind. Now it's time to cut the cord,and finally begin. It's not the fear of letting go,it's just to be alone.
"En döende våg på ett övergivet hav" Tiden står stilla,inuti mitt kyliga vinterlandskap. En vänskap som förseglade vår åtrå likt ett redskap.