Saturday 8 October 2011 photo 1/1
Saturday 8 October 2011 photo 1/1
think freeThink trappedThink what you want to beThink being unwillingly tappedThink of want you want to seeThink sitting down strappedThink of what you want to feelThink something bad happenedA world full of love and hateWhere you dont know your own fateWhere children work at the age of eightThey learn how things operateGetting bad paymentHaving to sleep on the pavementWhere payment aint muchAnd where others dont know about suchWhere they have the opputunity to learn muchBut no they complain about how they cant afford a swimming poolOh what a fool, where they pity themselves of not having an iphoneAnd having to live in a three roomed homeOh how they mownEveryday you hear it...need more moneyOh i dont find it funnyI agree i also want more moneyRemember its better to get what you need than what you want