Wednesday 18 August 2010 photo 1/1
Just like there's sun behind the clouds,
There's a beautiful smile behind its sad shroud;
But smiles are just a form of deception,
A method of concealing the true feelings within;
The lies which cover you up,
The pressure which makes you sin.
The excuses wearing thin,
The web of conformity which you are so tangled up in.
Break through the lies,
Ignore their angry cries, and realise;
You're wonderful, and you belong in the skies.
You're beautiful, and we all love to see you shine.
Break through, and be yourself... Because that's all that matters.
Comment the photo
Wed 18 Aug 2010 17:44
Sååå rätt! Du är ett geni! <3
Wed 18 Aug 2010 15:34
Jätte vackert skrivet! Sista meningen med fet-tex, den är klockren. Så sant!!! Önskar att alla kunde inse och förstå det. Vakna upp... Bryta sig loss. <3
5 comments on this photo