October 2009
Sjuk bra låt:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BT4BEwvk1w Sick with myself, but I've got no one else, so I give it to myself it's the only thing that helps it's the same thing this pain thing that k
Så här skulle jag se ut om jag var en anime karaktär OwO Gör så här: Fyll i rutorna högst upp hur du ser ut och ta sedan femte bilden (vänster till höger) http://www.anime
Bra låt med Hollywood Undead:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi76rRVXR8Q cus I don't wanna be like this I've been runnin these streets for too long now I've got nothing thats true but this song now
Im sitting here alone in the dark and cant sleep cause Im thinking to much about you....what should I do? Die here alone in the dark or seek for the light in my life?
Tävling idag!!! gick bra(Y) fick reda på att jag har kvalat in till en STOR tävling i växsjö om två veckor....Jag är SUPERDUPERGALD:D
http://www.addictinggames.com/theimpossiblequiz.html om du klarar spelt eller längre än till 42 hjälp mig;)
When u left my heart I felt so lonely and sad...Now I'm leaving this world into the black world of hatred and sadness
The day your door is closed, The echoes fill your soul. They won’t say which way to go, Just trust your heart. To find what you’re here for, Open another door. But I’m not sure anymore, It’s j
Länk:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqaO70KLrVU&feature=related The day your door is closed, The echoes fill your soul. They won’t say which way to go, Just trust your heart. To find what you’r
Länk:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FXJItBMhGo (dont mind the movie) Take my hand lets go, somewhere we can rest our souls. We'll sit where it's warm. You say look we're here alone. [Chorus] I wa