7 April 2011

Sixth Proverb and Dirty White Heels
Blog post from SoclogGood Evening, Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good night - To whomever, wherever, whenever you are reading this. Just making sure to have the appropriate greeting, so why not have em all?
Anyways, today's proverb is about listening to your parents, not being lazy and staying away from relationships that only bring you down. All things that are good to read about and consider, aight? So please, go ahead and read the chapter from proverbs on my BDB -> LINK.
The shoe pair of the day is my white heels, dirty, white heels that is. Yeah. I've worn them a lot, and it's just natural for them to get dirty while running across lawns, through mud and whatnot. But they are still pretty cool. I don't really remember where I got these ones from though,... Either from my mother or I bought them at a second hand. I'm thinking the last one actually. But I'm really unsure.
For a pair of heels these are really comfy! My feet never started hurting or anything, twas just fiiine. Oh yeah. Hm. Dirty white heels sounds like it could be some lyrics for a hairmetal song or something. Haha, if I was a song writer, I would write a song about Dirty White Heels. About a pretty girl dressed like trash and high on junk. Sad story, but weren't most of them back in the 80's if you think about it? All about sex, drugs and rock n' roll.
I'm about to start writing my sermon for tomorrow's youth group. I was really unsure about what to talk about, but I had at least to topics that I was thinking about. So I talked to my sister and asked what she thought, (praying at the same time she would say one of my topics) and she said one of the topics. So, I am going to talk about the Holy Spirit, the fruit and gifts and what we should do with them. Yeah!
I've been thinking lately too, about people preaching and such, how important it is to make sure that what you are saying is from the word and not from your own heart. I was listening to a preacher on the radio the other day and he was going on about "I think... I thought... I think... According to me..." and I was just thinking, Oh Lord, where is God's thoughts in all of this? So yeah, I like to stick as close to the word as possible, not saying much about me except when it comes to personal experiences and such with God and the Word.
Aaaaanyways, I really need to get to writing my sermon! I have practice with the guys tonight too.
So talk to ya'll later!

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