25 April 2011
Happy Easter
Blog post from SoclogToday was a very long day! Gah. I've been up and going since like 7. (got up at 630 though, but that doesn't mean I was awake and active)
But just because my day was insanely long, doesn't mean it was bad. I've had such a good day! I LOVE EASTER! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed. Yeaaah.
So, we were at church this morning at sunrise, went home, gramps made scrambled eggs, we brought em to church, we all had breakfast together, we went home, got pretty went to Sunday School, had our usual Sunday Service (except that it was like, 40ish mins longer than usual...) went home, got ready for dinner, and I went back and forth from the kitchen to watch my movie (3:10 to Yuma), ate dinner and went back to church again. Where me and Sunny slaved in the kitchen - again. Fixing up all the lovebuns and juices and coffees. Deeh. Tiring. And making sure the kids didn't make too much noises! Other peoples' kids are the reasons for me not wanting kids of my own.
But yeah, my first american easter (since i moved) was very good. I had one great day! Ate till I think I was gonna pop though. haha. But the food, omg, delicious! Like, Swedish Christmas, but not. Haha.
Even though my day was awesome. I am very peeved right now - about this one thing. MY HAIR! I got a haircut in Hawaii. It was gonna be a little trim (God knows I needed it) and the hairdresser was all like "Yeah, like 2 inches huh?" and I thought that sounded good and said shoot. But then she would cut a little on this side, and go over to the other side, and go back to the other side and cut some more and move over to the other side and cut some more... It was just getting shorter and freaking shorter!! And she took forever!! GHA! PISSES ME OFF!
And before I got the hair trim I asked for a price and she said about $20, and that sounded good. But then she charged me $40! What the hell? GAH! I'm pissed about it. Here I have been carefully been saving my poor old hair to get it long and nice, and she chops half of it off! I'm back at freaking square one! Stupid.
Anyways. Back to happiness of today.
Me, Sunny and Banana went on a nice long walk, since the weather is so springy and nice. We did these exercise things, like lunges and skipps. Now my legs hurts and I feel like I am gonna walk funny for a week. Haha. Was funny when the cars drove by though. And we were going our exercise thingers, haha. Love it.
Well. Ima get to bed now. My eyes are blurry and so are you.
Happy Easter! You have a good one!
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