27 April 2011
Shoe updates!
Blog post from SoclogSo. Since I have been gone, I haven't been able to update my shoes, so I am doing a superlong update now. Haha. Hope you like it!
Shoe pair #13
Now these shoes are fairly new. And maybe not the typical fashion shoes that you would imagine either? But I didn't get them to be fashionable. Me and a friend was gonna go hiking in the mountains in Sweden, and I had no good shoes for hiking at all, so my parents got me these. They are awesome, so comfy! And that hiking trip was lots of fun. We went up there just the two of us, brought foods and snacks, a tent, sleeping bags and cooking things. And we just ran around those mountains.
So funny - we were gonna go up to the highest point and see. And we started hiking over, but got to this lake. We didn't feel like walking around - it seemed to hard. So we tried crossing over. But it was too deep. So we took our clothes off down to our undies and started swimming. haha, Walked all the way to the top in our underwear! It was a cool experience. I felt like, Eve. Haha. I wouldn't recommend that to anyone though. It hurt my feet, and gave me a bunch of smal cuts. But it was worth it!
Shoe pair #14
I got these a couple of summers ago. I didn't have any sandals, since my old ones had broken down to be unusable. And these sure aren't any special kind of flipflops, what caught my likes was the socks that I got with em. A pair of sock that the big toe was separated from the rest of the toes, so that using flipflops with socks would be easier.
I love them because I felt like a teenage mutant ninja turtle. haha. I remember my friend Hanna being with me when I bought them, and boy did we laugh at my ninja turtle feet. haha.
I sure do miss her....
Shoe pair #15
i got these last winter. We had gone to Östersund for me to do a thing for my drivers license. A test thingy you have to do to take the drivers license test. It's just to learn how to drive in slippery weather and practice speed limits and stuff like that. Just, driving safety. Smart stuff. Anyways, I needed a pair of new shoes, cause my feet were super wet and made me miserable. So we went to this shop and looked and looked, and I found these to my liking. Because they are brown and they remind me of like the 1800s or something, and I like history. haha. My mother and sister kept saying things like "will you really use those?" doubting, saying they aren't my style. But what is wrong with trying new thing? I proved them wrong and used them all the time. I love them. I even brought them to Alaska. And used them so much the zipper broke, my grandma fixed that though. ehe.
Shoe pair #16
It was summer, my dad thought I needed new shoes. And we got these. They were cheap, they look good and they are comfy. I used them a lot. But then I got into my fashion shoe phase and didn't use them as much. So they became my working shoes around the house. They are nice shoes that you can just slip on and go. Don't look to good though, believe me, they used to be white. haha
I remember the band I used to play in, I became the bassist in, since we didn't have one anymore. And then we noticed that these were the same kind of shoes that our old bassist had. Haha.
Shoe pair #17
Simple story. I needed running shoes, my old ones were like 6 years old and endured rain, snow, mud, cut grass, trees, swamps, fire and whatnot. They were ooold and busted. so they got me these. They are too big. but they work for running, until I trip on the extra space for my not too long toes. Haha. Aaand, my old class mate had the same shoes, I don't like it when people have the same things as me. At all. #sadface
Shoe pair #18
These are the second pair of heels that I bought myself. It was summer, and they were on sale and super cute and they were nice to wear during the summer, since they are so airy. haha. Yeah, I remember my mother's co-worker - and my friend - say that I looked so elegant or something with my heels. Walking so straight not caring about my length, It made me happy, I wouldn't want to crouch and look all hunch backed and all!
Shoe pair #19
These are replacements for a different pair of cute small white shoes that I used to have. But I forgot them at a church who donated them to a secondhand who threw them away. So. No more cute white shoes. They were awesome! They even smelled like candy! haha. And they reminded me of a trip I made to Ume with a friend of mine - ToveLina. And that made me happy, thinking about how much fun we had there really going on a shopping spree. Sigh. I miss her.
Well, even though these shoes are replacements, I like em. They are simple and comfy. I like em so much I even brought em to Alaska with me. Hah.
Shoe pair #20
These shoes are old. My mom got them for me when I was like 14. I used them a lot, but then less and less when I realized they took forever to tie up and that they are so darn warm! They made my feet way too hot. haha. But they are cute. They are very different shoes, and I use them occasionally to match outfits and so so.
I like them because they remind me of my early teenage years. And it had it's good moments.
Shoe pair #21
Oooold shoes. I don't even remember the occasion for me getting them. My mom got them for me, for all that I know. And then I quit using them, and she has been using them more than I ever did. They are weird. Simple as that. What's with the square toes? Gah. Some designer was high on something.
I'd like to think I might use them for old times sake, and that's why I keep them. That and my mother uses them.
Shoe pair #22
Now these I just LOVE! LOVE! I got them for graduation, they were not on sale, but they are so gorgeous! I MISS THEM!!! I wonder if my mother has been using them a lot... Hm. Somewhat disturbing thought, but I'm waving it off, let her use em. I AM SO GONNA USE EM WHEN I GET BACK HOME!
I didn't use them for graduation though, I got a different pair that matched my outfit better, haha.
Shoe pair #23
These are my mother's old worker shoes. They go way back, probably to the 80s. But she never used them, so I dug them out of her closet and snatched them. I've used them a lot, gorgeous pumps, goes with everything. They look so old because I played brännboll with them, haha. It was a spontaneous game! and I didn't have anything better. But I sure ran through the damp sand with them! And did it with style. Haha. I need to wash them up...
Shoe pair #24
These are a classic pair of impulsively bought shoes. They were on super sale, and they are cute. I didn't use them that much though, they hurt so much to use! But they are so cute!
Even my old math teacher thought so, haha. Good old Arne. So awesome.
Shoe pair #25
Now these I love. So much. They are by far my favorite shoes that I can't use that much, they need a good occasion. And I got them for a good one. The prom the year I graduated. Me and my friend were dressed up in a 1800s style, with masks from Venice. It was so awesome, I had a dress that I had designed myself and everything. And because of the masks that made us semi-anonymous, we had this kind of rockstar status, walking up the red carpet. We even ended up in the newspaper! It was so awesome. I'm so happy my best friend went with me as my date. Daniel. He's the bestest ever. I love him so much.
Shoe pair #26
My mother got these for me when she went to England with her school. She didn't know what size to get me, so she had her co-worker with big feet try them on. They are way to big for me, and I stuff the toes with cottonballs just to be able to use them. But they are so good looking! I love how they tie up on the leg like a ballerina. The design is just so awesome.
That's it.
Good night.
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