1 May 2011
Melancholy and Fancy Shoes of Pain
Blog post from SoclogOkay, honestly: I miss Sweden so much tonight.
I'm sitting and listening to the broadcasting from [b]onfire that has been going on this weekend, and just hearing my friends speaking, hearing all those worship songs and see the church where I used to stand and sing along with those songs... It something in my chest just twist and hurt. I miss them so much. You may be thinking "Why the heck would you sit and listen to that then? Freaking sadist.." But no. It's not making me all sad and depressed. I'm fine where I am at now, God has put me here for a reason, and I feel honored that He has chosen me to be be here, that He does have a plan for me! And I thank the Lord for giving the possibility to be able to listen to my friends and see my friends so easily, even though I am so far away. And besides, it's not too long at all until I see them all again.
Shoe pair of the day!
Shoe pair #30
I know right? We are at the 30th shoe pair, and guess what? I have like seven or eight more shoes left...! I know I know... I am a shoeaholic. They're like drugs for my feet. I can't get enough...! Haha. Junkie pleaaaase.
Anyways, these are a nice new pair of shoes. I don't remember where I got them, but I remember wearing them when me and my friend Tove-Lina performed the song Only Hope at our schools music concert about two years ago. I love that song, and I love that girl even more. And that will be something I will forever remember: performing that song with her.
I think I got these shoes thinking something like "I do not have any fancy shoes at all, and these are on sale!" And ending up not liking using them, because they squeeze my feet at tad too much. Haha.
Anyways, my Saturday was awesome, we cleaned a little, I got some more Henna tats done and I watched some episodes from the first season of Friends. God I love that show! We found the DVDs, so we've been watching some of that, from the start tonight! Love it!
I also made palt this evening! Or, me and my auntie did. And they turned out awesome! I feel so grown up, being able to cook my own palt, and they turn out delicious. Haha. Yes, I feel accomplished.
Well, Sunday School tomorrow morning and church after that!
That means I am off to bed to get me some sleep, or at least attempt at it.
You have a good one!
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