Wednesday 14 November 2007 photo 1/2
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1. Put your music player on shuffle. 2. Press forward for each question 3. Use the song title as the answer to the question, even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING! 1. How are you feeling today? Only the strongest will survive - Breaking Benjamin Ja, man e ju lite trött.. 2. Will you get far in life? The Fantasy - 30 seconds to mars vaddå, e mitt liv en fantasi? 3. How do your friends see you? Start the show - fallout boy Ja man e väl livad av sig? 4. Will you get married? Broken soul - Breaking benjamin förmodligen inte.. 5. What is your life's theme song? Underclass hero - Sum41 Alltså... 6. What is the story of your life? Polyamorous - breaking benjamin det e inte sant!! lovar! 7. What was high school like? Give it to me - JT, Timbaland & nelly furtado Nej tack! 8. How can you get ahead in life? Natural life - breaking benjamin Hmm, true. 9. What is tomorrow going to be like? Stoneknocken - JT Ouch! 10. What is the best thing about your friends? Dance with the devil - breaking benjamin WTF? 11. What is in store for next weekend? Nich einfach nur um sex - Tokio hotel INTE SANT! 12. What song best describes you? Big girls dont cry - Fergie Passar bra! 13. How is your life going? Firefly - Breaking benjamin Vaaa? 14. What song will play at your funeral? Chicago is so two years ago - fallout boy Damn those bastards! 15. How does the world see you? What comes around/goes around - JT Hmm, det e ju sant. 16. Will you have a happy life? Dont you know who I think i am - fallout boy noo.. 17. What do your friends really think of you? Topless - breaking benjamin Perverted... 18. What describes the person you're attracted to? Scream - tokio hotel inte bra då... 19. What message would you like to tell the next generation? Stay forever - Neverstore Dont even get born... 20. Do you have a deep dark secret? Oh my god - gym class heroes Jag e inte troende, jag svär! 21. Do people secretly lust after me? Last goodbye - neverstore Verkar inte så.. 22. How can I make myself happy? Skin - breaking benjamin Vad ska det antyda? 23. Will I ever have children? The kill - 30 seconds to mars dör väl i barnsäng? O hemska tanke! 24. What's some good advice for me? Ingenting- Kent Låter givande.. 25. How will I be remembered? Here in your arms - Hellogoodbye va? 26. What is my signature dance song? Rette mich - Tokio hotel Tja, jag dansar ju inte bra... Jag utmanar: Shaffer, xXmortalangelXx, Linan, anan och sorgsenochglad.
Comment the photo
Thu 15 Nov 2007 16:01
Btw hur kan du utmanan någon O.o jag gjorde detta testet innan dig O.o
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