Monday 12 April 2010 photo 2/2
The best way to summarise the movie "Kick-Ass" shortly is by the title of the movie itself. It's fucking Kick-Ass! Never before have I've seen a super hero-movie this awesome. I mean seriously, I wanted to high-five it. Of course I couldn't, so I high-fived everyone near me. Most likely the best super hero-movie I've seen, and possibly one of my new favourites.
And yes, it has inspired me to start planning my own super hero get-up.
Watch this movie. Or get your asses kicked.
Score: Awesome/10
(Note: This movie contains blood, tits, lots of guns, Nicholas Cage and great music. Awesome-overload might be caused to certain, less awesome individuals.)
Comment the photo
Fast måste säga att "Hit-Girl" nog är det sämsta hjältenamnet jag hört xD
Agreed, men hon vart sjukt ball ändå.
Så kommer jag att gilla denna? :O
Men det verkade innehålla för mycket "Fånig".
Jag ska se den ändå utan eller med tits i.
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