December 2008
You are my light in the dark You are the beat in my heart Let me hold you now, just like days before you start to cry You are my light in the dark You are the beat in my heart But that is not enough,
Your tears don't fall, they crash around me Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home Your tears don't fall, they crash around me Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home
No time for farewells, no chances for goodbyes No explanations, no fucking reasons why I watched it eat you up, pieces fallen on the floor We stare at broken clocks, the hands don't turn anymore
Told the world I was your angel Sent down to give you hope Before then your life was shadows Then our hearts gave the go Oh let's go
You know what girl you really hurt me inside I just dont understand how you can hurt me break my heart thats why I wanna sing this song to let you know how I really feel cause you broke my heart
Party idag igen då=) hmm.. i hope that i see you there =) ... ska inte bli lika full som dom på bilden ^^ me promise:D xD
Sjuk =( .. har inte kunnat sova på 2 dagar nu . å inte ätit nått helle har skakat frysit svättats mått kasst, vet inte hur jävla mke ja orkar. hmm ..en frisk hel
Det är ju tradition att man ska kyssa någon på nyår när nedräkningen är klar! Vem tycker du jag ska kyssa på nyårs natten? Lägg ut detta p&arin
jaha .. då ska man fira jul iad.. hmm .. skoj? .. not.. varför kan man inte bara bojkotta julen?.. haha . kanske bara ja som tycker det är så hilma överskattat osv..