Saturday 1 November 2008 photo 2/8
I'm falling in my dream , I finally hit the ground
I hit the ground
Because I, I cant keep my mind from going into dark places
cause I , I cant keep my mind, from going into dark places
So hold on to your dreams
Because your nightmares might seem like they're your reality
I hit the ground
Because I, I cant keep my mind from going into dark places
cause I , I cant keep my mind, from going into dark places
So hold on to your dreams
Because your nightmares might seem like they're your reality
Tue 4 Nov 2008 01:03
FAAAN va grann bild :D kan du inte skicka den :$ typ msn eller något :S
Tue 4 Nov 2008 00:27
ätbart sa jag glassbåtsjävel
Sat 1 Nov 2008 23:29
omg ge mig den bilden! hade den som baggrundsbild för typ ett halvår sen men har nt pallat leta up den sen igen efter jag installera om datan! :|
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