Monday 4 October 2010 photo 3/5
A night to remember, a day to forget.
If our lives were diamonds? we'd be rich.
Your voice makes my heart skip beats.
So, keep quiet before it quits on me.
Your voice makes my heart skip? beats.
So, keep quiet before it flat lines.
Bara för att Bring Me The Horizon släpper sitt album i Storbritannien idag! :'D
If our lives were diamonds? we'd be rich.
Your voice makes my heart skip beats.
So, keep quiet before it quits on me.
Your voice makes my heart skip? beats.
So, keep quiet before it flat lines.
Bara för att Bring Me The Horizon släpper sitt album i Storbritannien idag! :'D
Comment the photo
Mon 4 Oct 2010 16:30
Tycker de kan släppa det i Sverige idag också :<
Mon 4 Oct 2010 16:34
Har ingen aning, men tycker gott att det kan göra det redan nu D:
11 comments on this photo