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Khun letade efter EunBee :D Han vill alltid ha henne vid sin sida :D~Y~
Khun & EunBee forever :D ~Y~
EunBee's cutie :D > Bara hennes < ~Y~
Min älskling :D min min min min min min min ~Y~
Junsu + EunBee = SANT. > True love <~Y~
Min älsk :D ~Y~
Mina älsks :D ~Y~
Älsks ~Y~
Min älsk ~Y~
Min fina älsk ~Y~
LoveLoveLove ~Y~
Min & EunBee's älsk ~Y~
Älsk ~Y~
Min & EunBee's cutie :D ~Y~
EunBee's älsk :D ~Y~
EunBee & Sunmi EunMi :D ~Y~
EunBee's ost xD ~Y~
YeEunBee :D ~Y~
Min min min :D ~Y~
Älsk :D ~Y~
Älsk :D
Älsk ~
Älskling Y
LoveLoveLove Y
Älskling ~Y~
Junsu wants EunBee~ :D
My love :D
JunBee forever :D
WooLin för alltid~ :D
Min älsk :D
EunBee's älsk ~ Hennes för alltid! :D
Älsklingar Y
Älskling Y
So pretty~
Love Y
My love~
Min Fany, min Yuri & Yeun-Ja's Sunny :D
So cuuuuute Y
Älsk <3
Love Y
Älskling :D ~Y~
Cutie :D ~Y~
Älsks :D ~Y~
So cute >< ~Y~
Yes, when you're feeling lost in the night When you feel your world just ain't right Call on me, I will be waiting Count on me, I will be there Anytime the times get too tough Anytime your best ain't
I will cross the ocean for you I will go and bring you the moon I will be your hero, your strength, anything you need I will be the sun in your sky I will light your way for all time, promise you For
I will shield your heart from the rain I won't let no harm come your way Oh, these arms will be your shelter No, these arms won't let you down If there is a mountain to move I will move that mountain
I'm here for you, I'm here forever I will be your fortress tall and strong I'll keep you safe, I'll stand beside you right or wrong
Cute~ ~Y~
Loooove ~Y~
*_* ~Y~
lfshulgiiulsgsligo8yi <3 ~Y~
Älskling :D ~Y~
*_* ~Y~
:D ~Y~
Min älskling :D ~Y~
Älskling! ~Y~
Cutie ~Y~
kjsfdw1gblkfgligfligflihgf *damp* ~Y~
My love ~Y~
x_x ~Y~
Cutie wife :D ~Y~
My cutie :D ~Y~
love ~Y~
X_X ~Y~
My cute wife :D ~Y~
Awww :D ~Y~
Aww. So cute! ~Y~
Eunbee, nu står han o tittar på dig o undrar varför du inte ger honom nån uppmärksamhet o vill ha dig för sig själv. Står han o ser söt ut för bara din skull ASSÅ GUD. LAMTLAMTLA