Eliass - Wööörrd ;D
"how to save a life"
"my people..
sons and dothers who have a gun..
for many years
we have ben a broken nation..
and conkered by those we sent a escape..
ten years ago i asked for time.. and that time was granted by you..
you.. the straight in my arm the shuolders of my dreams..
our fortfathers embackt on the gratest exedust in the history of all man kind..
a exedust with freedom..
we became that freedom..
the new world changed our bodies..
first it weckend us but infact we where groing.. stronger..
in the time you have been given me..
i have rebuilt our nation..
i have rebuilt our straight..
and i have rebuilt our pragd..
on this day we stand united ones more..
on this day are enemies are going to fear us..
on this day they will hear our voice..
on this day.. should we act as one..
and we should be ignored no more!
now is our time"
a brave soldier wrote these words before hes men was killed in war..
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