Thursday 5 May 2011 photo 2/4
Completionist cape
Untrimmed till vänster och trimmed till höger.
Finns bara en med trimmed i hela rs och det är Castle Wars.
Helt sjuka req's för trimmed :S
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Thu 5 May 2011 16:03
Helt sjuka reqs asså :S För mig fattar bara 120 dg för untrimmed, tror aldrig jag kommer fixa trimmed. Det som gör mig tveksam är: Played 5.000 games of Castle Wars och Defeated all champions :S
Thu 5 May 2011 14:44
requierments för trimmed cape:
- Basic
All skill levels at maximum (120 Dungeoneering and 99 in all other skills.)
All quests complete
All tasks complete
All magic spells unlocked (Spells from Livid Farm, Mage Training Arena, and the Mage Arena)
All prayers unlocked (Prayer from Dungeoneering and Camelot training room)
All Varrock museum Kudos
- Miniquests:
Ghostly robes
Shadow sword
Goblin High Priest
The Lair of Tarn Razorlor
Returning Clarence
Stronghold of Player Safety
Stronghold of security
- To wear the trimmed completionist cape you will need the following in addition to the previous:
4.000 Chompy kills.
Scabarite research complete.
Highest rune shop unlocked from Ali Morrisane.
All hot-air balloon travel routes unlocked.
Eagle transport routes fully unlocked.
All Smoking Kills sub-bosses unlocked.
Unlock ability to craft all Slayer items and to deliver killing blows quicker.
Master White Knight rank obtained.
Flying broomstick unlocked.
Found all hidden treasure from Making History.
Achieve 1.250+ Conquest rank.
Unlocked the full power of the Ivandis flail.
Played 5.000 games of Castle Wars.
Unlocked maximum access to Mobilising Armies rewards.
Defeated all champions.
Achieve maximum rank in each Barbarian Assault role.
Complete all Court Cases.
Complete 25 chimp ice deliveries.
Find all barbarian notes in the Ancient Cavern.
Unlock all rewards from the Artisans Workshop.
Obtain all circus clothing.
Complete the Dahmaroc statue in your player-owned house.
Unlock the 'scroll of cleansing' ability."
- Basic
All skill levels at maximum (120 Dungeoneering and 99 in all other skills.)
All quests complete
All tasks complete
All magic spells unlocked (Spells from Livid Farm, Mage Training Arena, and the Mage Arena)
All prayers unlocked (Prayer from Dungeoneering and Camelot training room)
All Varrock museum Kudos
- Miniquests:
Ghostly robes
Shadow sword
Goblin High Priest
The Lair of Tarn Razorlor
Returning Clarence
Stronghold of Player Safety
Stronghold of security
- To wear the trimmed completionist cape you will need the following in addition to the previous:
4.000 Chompy kills.
Scabarite research complete.
Highest rune shop unlocked from Ali Morrisane.
All hot-air balloon travel routes unlocked.
Eagle transport routes fully unlocked.
All Smoking Kills sub-bosses unlocked.
Unlock ability to craft all Slayer items and to deliver killing blows quicker.
Master White Knight rank obtained.
Flying broomstick unlocked.
Found all hidden treasure from Making History.
Achieve 1.250+ Conquest rank.
Unlocked the full power of the Ivandis flail.
Played 5.000 games of Castle Wars.
Unlocked maximum access to Mobilising Armies rewards.
Defeated all champions.
Achieve maximum rank in each Barbarian Assault role.
Complete all Court Cases.
Complete 25 chimp ice deliveries.
Find all barbarian notes in the Ancient Cavern.
Unlock all rewards from the Artisans Workshop.
Obtain all circus clothing.
Complete the Dahmaroc statue in your player-owned house.
Unlock the 'scroll of cleansing' ability."
Thu 5 May 2011 12:19
Thu 5 May 2011 10:46
jag är typ blind :) men ser ingen skillnadp
eller äre mönstret?
eller äre mönstret?
Thu 5 May 2011 10:57
tkr kan skulle kunna få ta med sig en vän på ryggenpå den ;o
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