Sunday 13 February 2011 photo 1/1
helt fucked upp samtal med en sån mysko person XD säger
messages will be archived at yahoo side
hi there how are you?
remi mura säger
hi im fine
how are you? ^^ säger
I'm kinda bored, just hangin around lookin for fun i guess im Astarte 23 f from Little Falls Minnesota, you?
remi mura säger
hahaha that's pretty far away x) but im italian/portuguese/angolan butt i live in sweden ^^ säger
thats cool, I found your email in my address book, i dont remember who you are really, i hope you dont mind that i emailed you, do you remember me?
remi mura säger
well i don't really know ._. since i don't know your name and i suck att remembering emails X'D
so it doesn't ring any bells to me :/ säger
hmmmmm... what are you doing right now babe? do you have a pic or webcam?
remi mura säger
check my facebook ^^ have a nillion pics there
nillion* >.<
billion* >o<'' säger
do you want to see me? i just uploaded a couple pics from the past week
remi mura säger
well i don't realy know you x) so it would feel kinda akward ._. säger
this is the link they gave me for my pictures and cam
remi mura säger
hahaha ok that wasrealy akward and allitle bit random x'D säger
if you signup tell me your username so i can invite you to my private section. I have a webcam on there
remi mura säger
naaaaaa thank you but no thank you i can live without it ^_^''' säger
i'm so bored here and my cam doesn't work on msn or yahoo.. but it works on this site, kinnda sucks for me cuz i kinda wanna show off on cam and no one ever seems to want to join me
remi mura säger
hahahahah yeah well im a computer nerd so tell me your problem and maybe you can fix it in the future
(i still don't want to cam with you tho ^^'') säger
brb starting my cam up... i can try connecting on here if you want
remi mura säger
i alreddy told you that i don't want to cam with you xD so thank's butt no thanks säger
ok well i guess we will end it here then
remi mura säger
ok^^ have a good day and please try to get another job than this... for your own sake :/ bye säger
Asså varför gör folk såhär xD