Tuesday 9 November 2010 photo 1/2
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älskling, jag är så sjukt glad över att jag har dig, men livet går så jävla segt när du nt är här.. det känns som att klockan har saktat ner. allt går så långsamt, skolan går långsamt, fritiden går långsamt. Hela mitt fucking liv går långsamt.
jag srkiver långsamt, rör mig långsamt. känns som att det är en rulltrappa och jag går uppåt när trappan går neråt.
baby, you really are my heroin. and i am your hero.
Life comes, life goes. Everything sucks without you.
My best friend don't listen to me.
I'm lost here honey, please come back home,
i know that you can't read this until you come home, but... can't smile for real.
i cry. all the time.
Darling, please.. i wish that just for one second that i can hold you in my arms like i did before you left.
kiss you, hug you, hold you.. Honey, i can't stand, i can't sit. i can't sleep,
baby i wanna be with you, all the time.
This is not a song, this is poetry. and i'm sad. yeah.
call me attention whore, or what you want to call me.
but i miss you, i really do. so please baby, i love you, i hope that you can hear my whispeers in the nights, i wish that you still can feel my smell, couse i can feel yours. when i wake up in the morning, i turn around and i hope. i HOPE that you'll be there, by my side. forever and always like we said.
i know i'm stupid, i know i'm hard to handle with. but. that's me. That's fuckin' me. so hold on, let me show you my love, let me show you what i can do. let me be there for you as i always were before you left. honey miss you, i miss your smile, i miss the hole you. Ida Signe Kristina Svensson, that's the name that i'm gonna remember forever and always. you know that your love is the sweetest. trallalala i'm yours forever, whops, this was a song. baby i know wooohooo that you got your phone with you.
i know i said i wouldn't miss you, but now i feel like a fool.
and i didn't know ooohoooo i needed you so. so this is my sorry, come back song.
and now i lay down here without you, without you i didn't no that i needed you sooooo.. this is my my bad so sad song.
i'm not famous i'm not very rich, so please come back to sweden it's not the same country without you here.
everything you say you do, i always there for you, when you laughing or screamin' couse i belive that's a place for u and me, so come back to me i'm still waiting, you'll be in kanarieöarna so come back 2 my place.
haha baby iknow that you laugh for my mistakes, when i fall on a stick. you can see the sad look on my face so get in tha plain and come back to my place.
it's snowing outside my window and i miss you everyday, each snowfling is for us baby, you always find me. whereever i go.
i miss you. huuooouuu oh yeah. yeyeyeyeyyeah.. give me a reason why i feeling why my head spinnin' round and round.
i miss you,
you used to look in my eyes and you said. you are my angel from heaven.
i miss you, i miss your smile, and my guitar is wet for all my tears that droped down from my eyes.
you used to call me everyday.
honey, you are so beautiful you are so cute, baby please.. snälla älskling kom hem! jag saknar dig otroligt mycket ska du veta ! men jag vet att du är här hos mig just nu, i mitt hjärta, föralltid <3
jag älskar dig Ida det gör jag verkligen. <3
jag älskar dig mer än nånting annat. <3
27/6 2010 Söndag kl 12,45 var våran första kyss, mellan vardagsrummet och köket, jag ropade på dig och du kom, jag kysste dig. <3
Comment the photo
Thu 11 Nov 2010 22:34
älskling jag gråter som en jävla råtta.
du är det abslout finaste i världen.
jag älskar dig, mest av allt <3
du är det abslout finaste i världen.
jag älskar dig, mest av allt <3
3 comments on this photo